Showing posts with label fruit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fruit. Show all posts

Thursday, May 3, 2012

My (is it May already?) Creative Space

Hi peeps,

How can it be Thursday already?  Again!  Plus it is May, another month has ticked over.  This year is flying past so quickly.

Today, in my creative space, I have one finished butterfly zippered pouch (with a strap) and one more to complete.

Butterfly zippered pouch

I need to remove the elasticised waist off this pretty new top I bought from Marks & Spencer.  The elastic is too tight and not very flattering on me.  I love living in a country that has Marks & Spencer!


Here is last weeks Strawberry dress, all finished.  It was the perfect dress to wear for a fruit themed party at kinder, Abbey loves it.

Strawberry dress

Happy creating to you. 


Thursday, March 31, 2011

My (carroty, part 2) Creative Space

Fabric carrots.

The topless carrots have been dressed finished. They are just a bit cute, I think. And squishy. I like squishy.

Carrot tops.

Clare's look really good with the ribbons added, but I did not have any carroty looking ribbon and had no budget to get any this week. All these carrots were made with fabric from my stash.


I had to make a Very Hungry Caterpillar carrot for our librarian, I know she will love it.

I survived kinder duty last week. It was exhausting and non-stop, but so much fun. I enjoyed chopping up the fruit, I had way too much fun arranging it on the trays artistically (I wish I had taken my camera to take a photo) The best bit was the singing and dancing to music while walking around the room. Yes I did join in, it was a hoot, especially pretending to be a kangaroo!

It was so special to see my big girl at kinder, playing, crafting and interacting with her her friends. Not to mention her new favourite kinder activity - playing in the mud pit. She comes home filthy, which is OK with me. Her pretty skirts are certainly not quite so pretty any more.

Want to see a whole lot of Creativity? Pop over to Kirsty's for some inspiration.

Happy Thursday to you.


(If you don't want a carrot in your ear, don't look here)

Friday, July 23, 2010

One pink banana: My Creative Space

I have been making felt fruit and vegetables. I am finding it lots of fun. Of course, Abbey wanted her own take on the banana, and had to have a pink one. Looks rather odd to me!

This is my first time playing along with Kirsty for My Creative Space (after a long time watching)

Cheers, Cat