Wall - E Movie Quotes

Movie and TV Quotes
Updated May 16, 2024 32.3K views 15 items
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685 votes
344 voters

Here are the best Wall-E quotes, including movie clips, ranked by fans. This list of great movie quotes from Wall-E collects all of the most famous lines from the film in one place, allowing you to pick the top quotes and move them up the list. And be sure to check out our list of the most quotable movies of all time, which all have memorable lines and great characters, just like WALL-E.

One of Disney/ Pixar's best offerings, WALL-E follows the title character, a trash compacting robot, as he's launched on an accidental adventure through space. The movie has sparse dialogue, but is emotionally triumphant and considered by some to be one of the best movies ever.

This list includes all the best Wall-E lines and moments, just as they appeared in the actual movie script. Whether they are funny quotes, sad quotes, quotes about love or death, all the most famous Wall-E quotes are here.

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    EVE: Name?


    EVE: WALL-E? [giggles]: EVE.

    WALL.E: [attempting to pronounce it] Eeee...

    EVE: EVE.

    WALL.E: Eeeee... aah.

    EVE: "EVE"! "EVE"!

    WALL.E: Eeeee... va?

    [EVE giggles]

    162 votes
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  • 2



    EVE: [EVE repeats "Directive" in multiple languages, ending with...] Directive?

    [WALL-E demonstrates his trash-compacting function]

    WALL.E: Ta-dah!

    EVE: Ohhh...

    WALL.E: Dirrrrr-ect-tivvve?

    EVE: Directive?

    [WALL-E nods]

    EVE: [Eve turns away, sharply] Classified.

    WALL.E: Oh.

    28 votes
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  • 3

    Relieved Of Duty

    Relieved Of Duty

    Captain: AUTO, you are relieved of duty!

    [strains up and switches AUTO to "manual"]

    AUTO: Nooooooooo.

    15 votes
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  • 4

    Space in Space

    Space in Space

    Voice in commercial: Too much garbage in your face? There's plenty of space out in space! BnL StarLiners leaving each day. We'll clean up the mess while you're away.

    77 votes
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    23 votes
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    New Discoveries

    New Discoveries

    John: I didn't know we had a pool!

    30 votes
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    Captain: Define "hoe-down".

    Ship's Computer: Hoe-down: A social gathering at which lively dancing would take place.

    Captain: [AUTO appears near the captain] AUTO! Earth is amazing! These are called "farms". Humans would put seeds in the ground, pour water on them, and they grow food - like, pizza!

    AUTO: [shuts off information display] Good night, Captain.

    Captain: Aww!
    [starts to move away from workstation, but stops and turns around slightly]

    Captain: Psst - Computer, define "dancing".
    [WALL-E and EVE are seen outside a window in space, flying around] 

    Ship's Computer: Dancing: A series of movements involving two partners, where speed and rhythm match harmoniously with music.

    62 votes
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    Morning Announcement

    Morning Announcement

    Captain: 12:30? AUTO, why didn't you wake me for morning announcements? Honestly, it's the one thing I get to do on this ship.

    [Resets the ship back to morning]

    Captain: Well, good morning, everybody, and welcome to day 255,642 aboard the Axiom. As always, the weather is a balmy 72 degrees and sunny, and, uh... Oh, I see the ship's log is showing that today is the 700th anniversary of our five year cruise. Well, I'm sure our forefathers would be proud to know that 700 years later we'd be... doing the exact same thing they were doing. So, be sure next mealtime to ask for your free sep-tua-centennial cupcake in a cup. Wow, look at that.

    14 votes
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    Surviving Isn't Living

    Surviving Isn't Living

    AUTO: [Auto has just shown the Captain directive A-113, which is a message not to return to Earth due to rising toxicity levels making life unsustainable] Now, the plant.

    Captain: No wait a minute, Computer when was the message sent out to the Axiom?

    Ship's Computer: Message received in the year 2110.

    Captain: That's... That's nearly 700 years ago! Auto, things have changed. We've gotta go back.

    AUTO: Sir, orders are do not return to Earth.

    Captain: But life is sustainable now. Look at this plant. Green and growing. It's living proof he was wrong.

    AUTO: Irrelevant, Captain.

    Captain: What? It's completely relevant.

    [moves toward the window]

    Captain: Out there is our home. *HOME*, Auto. And it's in trouble. I can't just sit here and-and-do nothing.

    [moves back toward Auto]

    Captain: That's all I've ever done! That's all anyone on this blasted ship has ever done. Nothing!

    AUTO: On the Axiom, you will survive.

    Captain: I don't want to survive. I want to live.

    AUTO: Must follow my directive.

    Captain: [groans in frustration, then turns around and notices that Auto is looming closer in the portraits of his predecessors. AUTO looms close behind him making him tighten his cap] I'm the captain of the Axiom. We are going home *today*.

    [Auto advances toward him threateningly, causing the Captain to flinch]

    40 votes
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  • 10

    Pizza Plants

    Pizza Plants

    Captain: These are called farms. Humans will put seeds in the ground, our water on them, and they grow food, like pizza!

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    Is That It?

    Is That It?

    Captain: Wait, that doesn't look like Earth. Where's the blue sky? Where's the-the grass?

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    Should Not Be Here

    Should Not Be Here

    MO's computer: Foreign contaminant!

    50 votes
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    Come and Get It

    Come and Get It

    Captain: [Standing in front of a hologram of the plant from EVE's camera] Haha! Look what I got, AUTO!

    AUTO: Not possible.

    Captain: [chuckles] That's right, the plant. Oh, you want it? Come and get it, blinky.

    34 votes
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    Now You

    Now You

    WALL.E: [showing EVE bubble-wrap and popping a bubble] Pop!
    [points to EVE]
    WALL.E: You pop!

    29 votes
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    Ship's Computer: [advertising bodysuits] Try blue, it's the new red!

    21 votes
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