The 25 Best 'Vanilla Sky' Quotes

Harper Brooks
Updated January 15, 2025 25 items



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573 votes
187 voters

Vanilla Sky offers a spectrum of memorable quotes that capture its intriguing blend of romance, science fiction, and psychological drama. Written and directed by Cameron Crowe and released in 2001, the movie's big-name cast includes Tom Cruise, Penélope Cruz, Cameron Diaz, Jason Lee, Kurt Russell, and Tilda Swinton. The storyline focuses on David Aames (Cruise), a wealthy publishing magnate who grapples with reality after a disfiguring car crash orchestrated by a jealous lover.

To earn a place on this crowd-ranked list, Vanilla Sky quotations must possess emotional depth, relevance to the plot, and help convey the movie's central themes of reality, love, psychology, and identity. Which ones do you find the most moving? Vote them up!

Most divisive: You've Crossed That Bridge
Over 100 Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The 25 Best 'Vanilla Sky' Quotes
  • 1
    97 votes

    In Another Life

    David: Do you remember what you told me once? That every passing minute is a another chance to turn it all around.

    Sofía: I'll find you again.

    David: I'll see you in another life... when we are both cats.

  • 2
    39 votes

    I Know The Sour

    Brian: Just remember, the sweet is never as sweet without the sour, and I know the sour.

  • 3
    42 votes

    Little Things

    David: The little things... there's nothing bigger, is there?

  • 4
    54 votes

    I'll Tell You

    Sofía: I'll tell you in another life, when we are both cats.

  • 5
    14 votes


    David: My father wrote about this in his book. Chapter 1... Page 1... Paragraph 1: What is the answer to 99 out of 100 questions?... Money.

  • 6
    18 votes

    You Can't Have It

    David: I like your life.

    Sofía: Well, it's mine and you can't have it!

  • 7
    22 votes

    Good Person

    Sofía: But I just think good things will happen, if you are a good person with a good attitude, don't you think?

  • 8
    26 votes

    A Real Life

    David: I want to live a real life... I don't want to dream any longer.

  • 9
    37 votes

    A Problem

    David: Look at us. I'm frozen and you're dead, and I love you.

    Sofía: It's a problem.

    David: I lost you when I got in that car. I'm sorry.

  • 10
    20 votes

    A Mask

    (the doctors are explaining the facial prosthetic to David and David is faking enthusiasm)

    Dr. Pomeranz: It's a helpful unit.

    David: Good. Because for a minute there, I thought we were talking about A F*CKING MASK!

    Dr. Pomeranz: It's only a mask... if you treat it that way.

    David: Oh, no. It's great. This completely takes care of Halloween. But what about the other 364 days of the year?

  • 11
    28 votes

    A Cruel Joke

    David: My dreams are a cruel joke. They taunt me. Even in my dreams I'm an idiot... who knows he's about to wake up to reality. If I could only avoid sleep. But I can't. I try to tell myself what to dream. I try to dream that I am flying. Something free. It never works...

  • 12
    25 votes


    Brian: You will never know the exquisite pain of the guy, who goes home alone.

  • 13
    10 votes

    Your Life

    David: We almost died.

    Brian: I know. My own death was right there in front of me and you know what happened? Your life flashed before my eyes.

    David: How was it?

    Brian: Almost worth dying for...

  • 14
    9 votes

    Pleasure Delayer

    Dr. Curtis McCabe: And you didn't immediately wanna sleep with her?

    David: Well, you know, I'm a pleasure delayer.

  • 15
    18 votes

    Makes A Promise

    Julie: Don't you know that when you sleep with someone, your body makes a promise whether you do or not.

  • 16
    7 votes

    Two's Enough

    Thomas Tipp: But I say this with complete love. Claim your life. Learn to be an ***hole. Don't...

    David: Two's enough.

    Thomas Tipp: Forgive me. But I still believe in this family, David, even if it's only you.

  • 17
    11 votes

    It Was Me

    David: Somebody died. It was me.

  • 18
    9 votes

    The Way You're Walking

    Julie: I can tell by the way you're walking that you didn't sleep with her.

  • 19
    9 votes

    It's Perfect

    (Sofia is seeing David's face under the mask)

    David: How bad is it?

    Sofía: Well, your ears are in the right place. And the rest of it is not bad at all. It's perfect!

  • 20
    9 votes

    A Dental Assistant

    Sofía: I have to get some sleep. Truthfully, I also work as a dental assistant.

    David: Boy, am I going to the wrong dentist!

  • 21
    11 votes

    If You Don't

    Sofía: Do you love me? I mean really love me. Because if you don't... I'll just have to kill you.

  • 22
    7 votes

    I'm So Afraid

    Julie: I'm so afraid of how powerful this is!

  • 23
    10 votes

    Tech Support

    David: I wanna wake up! Tech support! It's a nightmare! Tech support! Tech support!

  • 24
    4 votes

    You've Crossed That Bridge

    Dr. Curtis McCabe: You do understand that our time is limited, don't you?

    David: If I talk... you'll just think I'm crazy.

    Dr. Curtis McCabe: With all the possible respect I can offer a man wearing a latex mask and spouting conspiracy theories, David, believe me, you've crossed that bridge.

  • 25
    6 votes

    I Am Sofia

    David: Where's Sofia? Where is she!?

    Julie: I am Sofia!