The Smartest Anime Characters of All Time

Ranker Anime
Updated February 16, 2025 638.2K views 218 items
Ranked By
1.3M votes
122.9K voters
92 reranks
Voting Rules
Only anime characters who are smart in a way that is obvious.

In anime, physical power isn't always everything. Very often brains will win over brawn, and because of that, we're ranking the smartest anime characters of all time. Do you have a favorite smart anime character? Now would be a good time to show it by voting up your top choices on the poll below. From master strategists like Shikamaru (Naruto) who plan one hundred steps away, to analytical geniuses like Death Note's L who can predict his opponents moves before he even makes them, these anime characters are much smarter than the average human.

Each of these smart anime characters adds a layer of sophistication and intrigue to their series, showing that intelligence can be just as compelling as physical prowess. Their intricate plans and psychological warfare make them central to their narratives, transforming ordinary scenes into cerebral battles. Such intelligent anime characters underscore the richness of anime as a medium that excels in portraying nuanced and intellectually engaging figures. These smartest anime characters continue to inspire and captivate, providing endless fodder for discussions and analyses.

Vote up the intelligent anime characters that you believe to be the smartest, and downvote any that you don't think could hang intellectually with the top contendors on this poll.

Most divisive: Booker Kudo
Over 122.9K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The Smartest Anime Characters of All Time