The Most Unsettling Opening Scenes In Horror Movie History

The Most Unsettling Opening Scenes In Horror Movie History

Jacob Shelton
Updated June 29, 2022 1.2M views 18 items
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62.4K votes
14.2K voters
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Vote up the opening scenes that get you in a fearful mood right away.

More so than any other genre, horror films have to grab their audience within the first few minutes to avoid anyone becoming lost or uninterested. Scary horror movie opening scenes are the pinnacle of the genre, and there are a few that really shock the viewer and not only convince them to invest their time in the film but throw them so completely off-kilter that it's impossible to guess what's coming next. 

There are myriad ways to grip an audience and leave them wanting more, but the scariest first scenes in horror films all do something interesting and unique, whether it's establish a tone that presides over the rest of the film or simply offer a shock that's so upsetting the audience can't forget it. Each of these opening sequences is powerful in their own right, but they make for better viewing once you watch the rest of the film and know where the writers are going. 

Are you brave enough to face the most unsettling opening scenes in horror movie history?