When Visiting Ireland In 1987, Matthew Broderick Accidentally Killed Two Women In A Car Wreck
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When Visiting Ireland In 1987, Matthew Broderick Accidentally Killed Two Women In A Car Wreck

Katia Kleyman
Updated May 9, 2022 880.3K views 9 items

America celebrates Matthew Broderick for starring in cult classics like Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, but the star is not so well remembered in other parts of the world. Back in August of 1987, Matthew Broderick committed manslaughter while traveling through Northern Ireland, a fact that is often swept under the rug when mentions of Broderick crop up. 

At the time of the incident, Broderick was vacationing with his then-girlfriend Jennifer Grey (who plays Broderick's sister in Ferris Bueller's Day Off). The two decided to squeeze in the trip after Broderick finished filming Biloxi Blues and before Grey began making publicity rounds for Dirty Dancing.

Broderick was responsible for a car accident that took the lives of two women. Even after the event had been reported, Broderick was never charged with vehicular manslaughter, however, prompting outrage from the victims' friends and family. Life moves pretty fast, and if you're not careful, your fame might just lead to something unfortunate.  

  • Broderick And Grey Chose To Drive Around Ireland On A Rainy Day

    After flying into Northern Ireland, Broderick and Grey rented a BMW 316. On August 5, 1987, the stars began the drive from Irvinestown to Maguiresbridge. At some point along the way, they stopped at a gas station, got directions from a police officer, and it started raining.

    They got back on the road, but encountered a second downpour some time later. The couple stopped at yet another gas station, and when they got back on the road, the pavement was still noticeably slick from the earlier rains.

  • A Police Officer Described Broderick's Route As "Just Stupid"

    A Police Officer Described Broderick's Route As "Just Stupid"

    At approximately 3:00 in the afternoon, Broderick and Grey found themselves just outside Enniskillen, and slightly lost. To get back on track, they asked an off-duty policeman for directions.

    After listening to their tale, the officer informed them that the route they were on was “just stupid” and offered to lead them to a more sensible road. All kindness aside, Broderick wasn't interested in a change of plans, and the couple departed along their original route. The officer followed their car for a few miles, and noted that Broderick “wasn’t going fast.” He estimated that the car was moving less than 40 mph. 

  • The Women Who Died Were On A Family Outing

    The two casualties of the accident were related to one another. Margaret Doherty, a 63-year-old widow, suffered from multiple sclerosis, and had been confined to a wheelchair for five years leading up to the event. 

    Her 28-year-old daughter, Anna Gallagher, lived just 45 miles away and would often come by to take her mother shopping. At the time, Gallagher and her husband had been hoping to start a family. Both passed at Erne Hospital.

  • Broderick Sustained A Sizable Injury

    After the incident, Broderick was rushed to Erne Hospital, along with the two women. As a result of the wreck, Broderick's face was cut up, and his leg was badly broken.

    “We had to cut the side away from the American’s car to give him first aid,” a member of the local fire brigade told People. “His main concern was for the people in the other car,” he added.

    “He kept saying ‘Did I hurt them? Did I hurt them?'"

    Grey was the luckiest of the bunch, and walked away with a few bruises.

  • Broderick Remained In The Hospital For A Month

    After Broderick had been stabilized, he was eventually transferred to Belfast’s Royal Victoria Hospital, where he stayed for about a month. There, the actor was charged with reckless driving, an offense that can come with a hefty prison sentence.

    Broderick was eventually allowed to return to the United States, but only after paying $4,075 in bail.

  • Broderick Was Charged With “Careless Driving,” A Relatively Minor Offense

    Though Broderick potentially faced up to 10 years in prison – five years for each death – the star got off a lot easier than that. Broderick was convicted of careless driving, but was only ordered to pay a $175 fine. All told, the star was ordered to pay less than $5,000 for his role in the fatal accident. 

    At no point during the proceedings was Broderick charged with vehicular manslaughter, and the victims’ family called the ruling “a travesty of justice.”

  • Broderick Made Amends With The Family Years Later

    When the accident first occurred, it took Broderick about a month to be discharged from the hospital. When the star was up and walking again, he didn't immediately reach out to make peace with the two women's family. 

    “There was a note after the accident from him saying how sorry he was – but no other contact,” a relative of the two women involved told the New York Post. Fifteen years later, Broderick reached out to the family again, only this time he wanted to meet in person. The family reportedly looked forward to the meeting, and insisted that “there are no bad feelings from us.”

    Regardless of his initial response, it's clear that the accident left its mark on Broderick's psyche. Around the time of the proposed meeting, Broderick told Best magazine that it was very challenging from him to come to terms with the ordeal, adding that he had attended therapy in an attempt to cope. 

  • Grey Left Hollywood Shortly After The Accident

    Dirty Dancing hit theaters shortly after the tragedy took place, which made it hard for Grey to celebrate the release.

    “I became America’s sweetheart within five days of the accident,” she explained. “The juxtaposition of that deep sorrow, the survivor’s guilt, and then being celebrated as the new big thing just didn’t jibe. It didn’t feel good to be the toast of the town.”

    Eventually, Grey made the decision to walk away from Hollywood. “My head was never the same, my ambition was never the same.”

  • Broderick Was In A Honda Commercial That Was Criticized

    Broderick Was In A Honda Commercial That Was Criticized

    In 2012 Broderick starred in a commercial for the Honda CR-V, which ended up premiering during that year's Super Bowl.

    While it had been quite a few years since the incident, there were still plenty who remembered and felt that the commercial was in bad taste. One person in particular who felt it was poorly done was Martin Doherty, the son and brother of the victims. Doherty said it "wasn't the greatest choice."