19 Plot Holes In 'Friends' That Will (Unfortunately) Always Be There For You

19 Plot Holes In 'Friends' That Will (Unfortunately) Always Be There For You

Charlie Boyle
Updated July 3, 2024 218.3K views 19 items
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Vote up the most irritating plot holes. 

Friends has been recognized as one of the most popular TV comedies of all time. However, this doesn't mean it's perfect, as there are quite a few plot holes that are hard to miss. Many are small, but some make us go… “Could these BE any more irritating?”

Vote up the plot holes you find equally annoying!

  • 1

    Rachel Is Introduced To Chandler In The Pilot, But We See In Flashbacks That They've Already Met

    Rachel Is Introduced To Chandler In The Pilot, But We See In Flashbacks That They've Already Met

    From Redditor u/dolandonline:

    Monica introduces Rachel to Chandler in the pilot, but not only have they met in the past they’ve also made out.

    From Redditor u/BalconyView22:

    Also, [Rachel was there] every time Chandler went to the Gellers' for Thanksgiving.

    1,566 votes
    Could this BE any more irritating?
  • 2

    Their Ever-Changing (Or Not Changing) Ages

    Their Ever-Changing (Or Not Changing) Ages

    From Redditor u/Captain_-H:

    In seasons 3, 4 and 5 Ross mentions that he is 29 years old... he must be magic.

    From Redditor u/GammonBlaze:

    The age in everyone, like Ross being 29 for 3 years or Rachel being the last to turn 30 when Joey was meant to be the youngest in the group.

    1,164 votes
    Could this BE any more irritating?
  • 3

    Does Chandler Like Sports Or Not?

    Does Chandler Like Sports Or Not?

    From Redditor u/Peterpotter27:

    I’m always annoyed that Chandler loves sports and knows about sports in the earlier seasons, but in later seasons they make it seem like he doesn’t know anything about sports or only pretends to like it. [He literally goes to basketball and hockey games with Joey early on and is seen loving it!]

    1,233 votes
    Could this BE any more irritating?
  • 4

    Rachel Was Pregnant For A Full Year

    Rachel Was Pregnant For A Full Year

    From Redditor u/beenbamboozled:

    During my last rewatch I realized Monica and Chandler got married May 2001. Rachel knew she was pregnant a couple of days before the wedding. Emma was born May 2002. [She was pregnant for a full year… no wonder she was so cranky.]

    From a former Redditor:

    Rachel's pregnancy lasting way longer than 9 months. If she got pregnant in late April, she would be due late January. Not a year+ later. She's not an elephant!

    1,137 votes
    Could this BE any more irritating?
  • 5

    Monica And Rachel Think Their Radiator Is Broken And Have A 'Summer' Party, But Wasn't It Winter And They Could've Just Opened A Window?

    Monica And Rachel Think Their Radiator Is Broken And Have A 'Summer' Party, But Wasn't It Winter And They Could've Just Opened A Window?

    From Redditor u/Rhaegal1408:

    When the apartment's heater was broken and everyone was sweating and trying to cool down... wasn’t it winter?!?!?! Couldn’t the girls have just opened the window to the balcony?! Or their rooms? 

    889 votes
    Could this BE any more irritating?
  • 6

    The Ink On Ross And Rachel's Faces 'Won't Come Off,' But It Does The Next Day

    The Ink On Ross And Rachel's Faces 'Won't Come Off,' But It Does The Next Day

    From Redditor u/yamsnz:

    The ink that was on Ross and Rachel’s face in Vegas “wouldn’t come off," but then after they get married the next morning it’s magically gone.

    976 votes
    Could this BE any more irritating?
  • 7

    Chandler Is Handcuffed To Joanna's Office Chair And Can't Get Out... But It's A ROLLING Chair And He Could've Gotten The Keys To The Handcuffs Himself

    Chandler Is Handcuffed To Joanna's Office Chair And Can't Get Out... But It's A ROLLING Chair And He Could've Gotten The Keys To The Handcuffs Himself

    From Redditor u/crayontoffel:

    In the episode where Chandler is handcuffed naked to Joanna’s office chair. It was a moving chair. It had wheels. He could have either wheeled the chair out from behind the desk, or picked it up and easily got the keys for the handcuffs and his clothes. This has annoyed me constantly since I’ve seen it

    949 votes
    Could this BE any more irritating?
  • 8

    Phoebe Said She HAD To Live On The Streets When Her Mom Died, But Why Didn't She Just Live With Her Grandmother Like She Did Later On?

    Phoebe Said She HAD To Live On The Streets When Her Mom Died, But Why Didn't She Just Live With Her Grandmother Like She Did Later On?

    From Redditor u/Feisty_and_pathetic:

    Why didn't she live with her grandmother when she was younger? [She did still have a step father but he went to jail pretty quickly after her mother committed suicide…] Maybe as her grandmother hated Frank so much she lost touch with her daughter, [but that still doesn't really line up with the interactions we've seen between Phoebe and her grandmother].

    From Redditor u/BlueCuzILikeIt:

    Phoebe whole past is a plot hole, how did she live in the streets when her grandma was alive? Did her grandma just suddenly stumble on Phoebe eating from the trash and suddenly remember she had a granddaughter?

    1,013 votes
    Could this BE any more irritating?
  • 9

    Phoebe Can/Can't Speak French And Italian

    Phoebe Can/Can't Speak French And Italian

    From Redditor u/ultimatewooderz:

    Phoebe is fluent in French, but [doesn't understand the meaning of] sous chef?

    From Redditor u/brightxeyez:

    She also didn’t seem to know Italian whenever Paolo was around (basically melted along with the other girls whenever he spoke but couldn’t understand him), but when Joey’s grandmother came over she knew all kinds of things!

    819 votes
    Could this BE any more irritating?
  • 10

    Ross Only Slept With One Person Before Julie, And Monica Knew About That And When He Lost His Virginity, But That's Also Not True Later?

    Ross Only Slept With One Person Before Julie, And Monica Knew About That And When He Lost His Virginity, But That's Also Not True Later?

    From Redditor u/x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0:

    Ross claims to have lost his virginity to Carol, but it’s mentioned in a later episode that he slept with the cleaning lady in college.

    From Redditor u/notthebubblewand:

    In the episode where Ross is depressed because it's the anniversary of the first time he slept with Carol, Monica says she remembers that day. The friends ask, “You told your sister when you lost your virginity?” He says, “I told everyone!”

    But, in the VERY NEXT EPISODE, where Joey tricks Monica into going on a double date with his ex and her boyfriend (under the guise that they are brother and sister), Monica specifically says, "My brother never even told me when he lost his virginity."

    646 votes
    Could this BE any more irritating?
  • 11

    Chandler Can't/Can Cry?

    Chandler Can't/Can Cry?

    From Redditor u/Acidic_Jew:

    There's an episode centered around Chandler's inability to cry, when [we've SEEN him cry a few times both] before and after [that episode].

    676 votes
    Could this BE any more irritating?
  • 12

    Phoebe COULD NOT Test Positive That Quickly After Having The Embryos Implanted

    Phoebe COULD NOT Test Positive That Quickly After Having The Embryos Implanted

    From Redditor u/encouragingcalamity:

    Even if a woman is [one of the women in the small percentage who can test positive early] and DOES have a very early result, it’s at least 3-5 days and even then the chances are low. Plus also, hormones are all over the place and false positives can happen. WAY too early to test and celebrate a positive result after one day.

    722 votes
    Could this BE any more irritating?
  • 13

    Ross Does/Doesn't Hate Ice Cream?

    Ross Does/Doesn't Hate Ice Cream?

    From Redditor u/Geobead:

    Ross claims ice cream hurts his teeth [and he hates it because it's too cold], but he eats it with Elizabeth. He also has ice cream in his new apartment in the first freaking episode!

    From Redditor u/illcits:

    He also ate ice cream when he reunited with Marcel.

    564 votes
    Could this BE any more irritating?
  • 14

    Monica Won't Let Bad Drivers Drive The Porsche, But Lets Phoebe Drive It?

    Monica Won't Let Bad Drivers Drive The Porsche, But Lets Phoebe Drive It?

    From Redditor u/Geobead:

    Monica won’t let Rachel drive the Porsche but she lets Phoebe drive it even though she’s been shown as a terrible driver several times before. 

    545 votes
    Could this BE any more irritating?
  • 15

    Chandler Hates Dogs, But Also Doesn't Hate Dogs?

    Chandler Hates Dogs, But Also Doesn't Hate Dogs?

    From Redditor u/flaviabarcellos:

    Chandler hates dogs, but in a few seasons before Phoebe had asked him and Monica to take care of three puppies and he seemed fine with it.

    From Redditor u/Feisty_and_pathetic:

    Also Phoebe is given a puppy by her birth mom and Chandler brings it to Monica's where Chandler also sees the dog, and doesn't seem to mind. Plus when Chandler and Monica are talking about their future he wants a cat and she wants a dog which he then agrees to.

    508 votes
    Could this BE any more irritating?
  • 16

    It's EXTREMELY Unlikely The Hospital Would Let Phoebe Give Birth To Triplets Through A Natural Delivery

    It's EXTREMELY Unlikely The Hospital Would Let Phoebe Give Birth To Triplets Through A Natural Delivery

    From Redditor u/blyewaterftw:

    I had a twin pregnancy and let me tell you, in reality Phoebe wouldn’t be able to move in the latest stages of her pregnancy and her pregnancy would definitely be considered very high risk. Also realistically the triplets would probably be premature and delivered by c section… they’d probably spend some time in NICU or at least special nursery. 

    From Redditor u/DancingPantsLane:

    [They would] not allow you to even attempt a natural delivery for triplets. They barely do it for twins

    568 votes
    Could this BE any more irritating?
  • 17

    Rachel Does/Doesn't Know How To Sail A Boat?

    Rachel Does/Doesn't Know How To Sail A Boat?

    From Redditor u/mintyellow:

    In Season 4 Rachel tells Danny she doesn't sail, but in a later season she teaches Joey how to sail, [and is shown to be quite proficient].

    562 votes
    Could this BE any more irritating?
  • 18

    The Mystery Of The Game Room

    The Mystery Of The Game Room

    From Redditor u/itzybudyli:

    When Monica and Chandler decide to live together and fight over what to do with the spare room - he wants a game room, with vintage arcade games, and she wants a guest bedroom. Later on, after they get married, Phoebe's wedding present arrives: a Miss Pacman arcade game!!! She apologizes to Monica for leaving it in the middle of the living room and she replies: “I love it, I used to play this all the time.” If that's not enough, Chandler, who wanted the arcade game room to begin with, doesn't like it, because he “sucks at it.”

    487 votes
    Could this BE any more irritating?
  • 19

    Rachel Has A Fear Of People Touching Her Eyes, But Also Doesn't?

    Rachel Has A Fear Of People Touching Her Eyes, But Also Doesn't?

    From Redditor u/mintyellow:

    Rachel has a fear of people touching her eyes, but Ross has done her eye makeup for her before…

    512 votes
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