People Describe The Most Terrifying Thing They've Seen While Hallucinating
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People Describe The Most Terrifying Thing They've Seen While Hallucinating

Erin McCann
Updated June 5, 2024 48.2K views 20 items

Hallucination horror stories don't just result from bad trips. In addition to drugs, hallucinations can also be caused by mental illness, the side effects of medication, or sicknesses such as fevers or flus.

While some people see nice things like rainbows or elegant fractals, many others report terrifying visions. Severed body parts, dead babies, and large insects have been known to appear, and can often be quite horrifying, as seen in these stories from Reddit. Users may have been trying to expand their consciousness, but hallucinating isn't always a good time.

Psychedelics like DMT, LSD, or mushrooms can produce some pretty crazy stories, especially when users freak out during the trip. Some people who hallucinate have the capacity to realize what's going on, allowing for the sounds and visuals they experience to be thought of as a passing illusion.

Then there are people who are unable to discern between the real and unreal, making their hallucinations even scarier. While melting faces and breathing walls can be exhilarating, when demons and shadow-people appear, things start to get more terrifying. In these stories from Reddit, people describe terrifying things they've seen while hallucinating. Try not to freak out yourself.

  • A Dorm Neighbor Turns Into A Demon

    From doittothem:

    "The first and last time I took shrooms I took an entire eighth. Everything was all hunky dory until my dorm neighbor came into our dorm room and started talking about his crazy trip from the weekend before and how he wasn't sure if he was even really alive or not.

    This sent me into a downward spiral of a horrifying demonic trip which climaxed when my dorm neighbor began turning dark red. His beard began to elongate and horns began coming out of his head. Needless to say, I was horrified and we kicked him out of the room. I wasn't really able to recover during the trip and once it wore off, I was in limbo for the next couple months contemplating everything about reality."

  • Severed Feet Hanging From A Truck Trailer

    From [deleted]:

    "When I was about 17 or so, my therapist thought I had manic depressive disorder due to the fact that my mother also had it, so she put me on... I dunno, some kind of horse tranquilizer practically. I was being driven home from somewhere after taking the medications for a while, and there was a truck in front of us with little flappy bits around the wheels and the underside of the trailer from some fabric or something. I didn't realize they were fabric and thought they were severed human feet hanging from the bottom of the trailer. Needless to say, I was spooked. One of the scraps fell off and came straight for our car and I screamed."

  • A Man Wearing A Shirt On A Hanger In The Closet

    From Baba_dook_dook_dook:

    "I have suffered from paranoid schizophrenia for the majority of my life, which has been made worse by a very long addiction to meth and heroin, and heavy psychedelic abuse. During this addiction, I went from having weird delusions to having full blown hallucinations...

    The one that scared me the most was the man in my closet. He would appear every now and again, and each time it scared the hell out of me, which is extremely unusual for me. It was the only hallucination that instantly felt wrong to me. I knew he wasn't real from the start, unlike my other hallucinations.

    I would open my closet door to get some clothes and he would be hanging there amongst my clothes. I had several shirts hanging up on clothes hangers, and he would be wearing one of my shirts while the shirt was still hanging from the crossbar. Imagine a shirt hanging on a clothes hanger, but with a pale head and arms sticking out their respective holes. His abdomen would still be flat like the shirt, but his appendages were their normal size. He also had no legs.

    He would just hang there, slightly swaying, while giving me a look of strong distaste. He always looked angry but he would never talk and never moved his arms or head. He would just stare me with a menacing look on his face, and I would usually close the closet door and leave my room immediately. It was truly unsettling, even when it started happening more regularly. I would never wear the shirt he was wearing because I was always afraid to touch him.

    After awhile he stopped appearing, and I eventually forgot all about him. I haven't seen him in a long time, and I hope to never see him again."

  • Food Poisoning Causes Household Items To Talk And Laugh

    From spunkymynci:

    "Not long after I moved in to one of my old flats, I went to make myself some munchies and found a can of chicken noodle soup in the cupboard. I warmed it up, ate it and only then thought, "I don't remember buying that." I fished the tin out of the bin and realized it was about two or three years out of date. Oh well, I thought, an expired tin of soup can't hurt me.

    Jesus H. Christ.

    After I had finished expelling everything in my body, the hallucinations started. Voices and laughter coming from things, semi-transparent walls with dead people mouthing things at me from them. A ceiling that looked like that trippy sequence from 2001: A Space Odyssey, the lot. This lasted from about 7:00 or 8:00pm until about 6:00 in the morning, when I finally fell into a fretful sleep in my sweat-soaked bed."

  • A Man Turns Into Insects

    From edgarruskov:

    "The worst ayahuasca experience ever: I saw the guy next to me turn into Amazonian insects and my mother was eaten by a 6 foot tall spider."

  • Black Shadow Jumps Out Of A Phone

    From Odins_Eyebrows:

    "I took sleeping meds that made you hallucinate if you fought through them. I remember the first time I fought through the pills, I was talking to my wife on the phone. I noticed something out of the corner of my eye, kind of where my phone screen was. When I took the phone off my ear to see just what the hell was going on, a big black shadow jumped out of the phone at me...The hallucinations got so bad I gave up on the pills after a couple months. Not sleeping beats terrifying hallucinations."

  • An Army Of Viking Skeletons

    From MascotJoe:

    "...Once while I was sick with the cold as a kid, I hallucinated an army of Viking-like skeletons walking from a castle towards me, weapons dragging on the ground and skin falling off. It was creepy as sh*t. I was inside but there was sky in the direction they were walking from and it was a dark green. I just started screaming and my mother had to come soothe me and try to bring my temperature down."

  • Shiva Appears With Flashing Warning Lights

    From link_to_the_post:

    "Tripping hard on something unknown that was sold as acid. Took a massive hit off a nitrous oxide balloon and I tunnel visioned into the carpet while I held it in. When I exhaled and looked up I saw Shiva floating in front of me, made completely out of fractals, staring into my soul. My brain error coded, flashing red lights, WARNING WARNING! I shot up off the crouch and loudly proclaimed 'I'm hallucinating way too hard right now.' After that I was fine again, my friend didn't notice me stand or say anything, I honestly wonder if it even happened."

  • A Shadowy Man Shifting Around The Room

    From [deleted]:

    "I was pretty knocked out on all sorts of antidepressants and sleep meds, and I was seeing this dark shadow of a man in the corner of my bedroom who kept shifting around. He was trying to get me yet he couldn't touch me. I was absolutely terrified to the point I threw out everything black in my room to help stop seeing him. Someone had to calm me down and I stopped crying. It really was awful."

  • Duplicates Of The Same Person, And One Evaporates

    From RealEmpire:

    "After turning 21, I spent a three-day weekend in Vegas. It turned out to be a little bit of a binger and I didn't end up sleeping for 72 hrs. I lie down on a sofa and closed my eyes with 30 minutes left until check out because I could feel my body shutting down. When I opened them 20 minutes later, I saw my friend sitting on the edge of a pull out bed with his head in his hands. Then I noticed the same friend lying in the pull out bed. I was staring at the same person in two places at once when the one sitting on the side of the bed evaporated. It was horrifying."

  • A Person In A Coma Develops Super Powers After Believing The Hospital Staff Is Trying To Kill Them

    From MedrautDeschain:

    "I was in the hospital after I had a seizure that caused me to hit my head on the corner of a marble coffee table. It put me in a coma for two weeks. During that time, I was pumped with ketamine and fentanyl, and I have no memory of the week before the seizure happened. Woke up in the hospital and couldn't answer the doctors where I was or how I got there. Only questions I could answer coherently were my name and the president. I started hearing stuff. Like, I legit thought maybe I had gotten special powers after the coma ( I know, stupid, but I wasn't thinking straight at the time). I thought I could hear the nurses talking about me from two floors up. I started seeing weird sh*t like dead babies crawling around on the floor. I was convinced my nurse was injecting me with poison to try to kill me because with my new special hearing powers, for some reason I thought he had been stealing drugs from the pharmacy. Another nurse came in one night, I thought he was trying to kill me by restraining me then suffocating me. What really happened was he was simply adjusting my bed.

    I was later diagnosed with having a brief psychotic break because of this. I thought all the hospital staff were out to kill me and I injured some of them. I bit one doctor on his hand and I swung at one of my nurses. What they don't tell you about hallucinations is that there's no Hollywood moment where you magically understand everything you saw was just a hallucination. Those hallucinations ARE my memory of the events, nothing will change that."

  • Watched By Spooky Children

    From MeGustaMusic:

    "...Got a dumb mix of meds from my doctor that made me hallucinate weird and spooky stuff like children dressed in only black and white peeking from corners of buildings. They'd just stare at me for about one second and then they were gone. You know the feeling when you swear you saw something but it wasn't there? Happened at least five times a day. It was like a constant bad trip and only negative feelings. I was constantly spooked and felt like someone was watching me..."

  • Adult Terrors Can Give You Hallucinations Too

    From killadrix:

    "Not exactly what most would consider a hallucination in the strict sense, but I suffer from adult terrors which means I wake up three or four nights a week in a semi-sleep state. For about a minute, I experience sheer terror while objects in my room take on the appearance of horrific forms. For example, a ceiling fan is a giant spider hanging above my bed and I can see the hair on its legs and all its eyes, and while maybe 1% of my brain is screaming that it's not real, the other 99% is on the verge of a heart attack.

    Oscillating fans become floating heads, a stuffed teddy bear becomes a drowned baby with wrinkly skin, etc. It's like waking up in a horror movie and it's always something evil and supernatural. I never wake up to unicorns and kittens."

  • Running Over Children In The Middle Of The Road

    From 123qwe123a2:

    "I have seen children in the road in front of my car. That's really scary because I always hit them before I realize I'm hallucinating and there's nothing there."

  • A Phantom Nurse Appears After Surgery

    From Notbob1234:

    "...Given a sh*t-ton of Keppra a week before brain surgery and things got weird. "Upular" by Pogo started playing in my head, I felt people walking around the room, and the walls bled paint. After the surgery, there was a phantom nurse who checked up on me. She would ask how I was doing, walk around the room, and speak to other people not in the room. I'd lean forward to look at her but there was no one there. This lasted three days."

  • Aliens Grab At A Person Hiding Under A Picnic Table

    From Cat_Detector_Van:

    "...I was hiding under a picnic table because I could see all these colored flashing lights in my peripheral vision, and just KNEW it was aliens coming to get me. As I curled up under the table I could see them ducking their heads in and clutching and grabbing at my clothing and limbs.

    After a short but intense struggle, I came out of it realizing that the lights were actually coming from an ambulance, and it was the EMTs trying to restrain me so I wouldn't hurt myself. Then I woke up from THAT hallucination to realize that no, it was just me alone under a table in the middle of a dark campground, needlessly scared out of my mind."

  • An Old Man Calls From Inside The Cupboard

    From EvanEvans2ManyEvans:

    "I had this happen to me once actually. I was also sick and I woke up to an old man's voice calling my name menacingly from my cupboard. Freaked the hell out of me."

  • Followed By Humanoid Creatures

    From DaveFireBeard:

    "Psychosis - saw human-like creatures following me for two days and watched a tree talk to me in the woods I escaped into to get away from the humanoids."

  • The Police Arrived, But Not Really

    From Spoonthedude92:

    "Boy, I tripped hard in my first shot of mushrooms. I didn't know what to expect but my buddy's girlfriend took too much and was freaking out! This made me freak out. She was screaming bloody murder and to have the cops take her away for doing this illegal drug. I hear loud banging, look at the curtains, and see blue lights flashing. There is yelling outside the front door to let them in. This girl is screaming her lungs out to let them in. I'm terrified. More banging, boom boom boom! 'Let us in now!' I panicked and opened the door but nothing was there. It was dead silent. I closed the door and said, 'What the f*ck bro.'"

  • Attacked By Dive Bombing Blankets

    From beebish:

    "I remember once when I was young, maybe seven or eight, I had a really bad fever. I was lying on my top bunk and there was a stack of blankets on the chair below. They were fuzzy dinosaur print blankets. At one point, I started hallucinating that the folded blankets were floating up in the air and dive bombing me, trying to smother me. It scared the sh*t out of me. I still remember it clearly to this day."