The Most Absurd, Over-Priced, And Outright Crazy Goop Products You Can Buy

The Most Absurd, Over-Priced, And Outright Crazy Goop Products You Can Buy

Donn Saylor
Updated April 22, 2024 79.6K views 15 items
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13.8K votes
2.2K voters
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Vote up the silliest things to spend money on.

Gwyneth Paltrow has become as famous for her bizarre Goop products as she once was for her acting. The Academy Award-winning actress found a surprising second career as something of a lifestyle expert – though, admittedly, it's not the kind of lifestyle most people are used to. Gwynnie launched her (in)famous brand in 2008 as a humble little newsletter, and in the years since, it's evolved into a multimillion dollar enterprise known mainly for two things: absurd, overpriced products and Paltrow's questionable health advice.

The craziest products on Goop are a testament to just how out-of-touch Paltrow is with everyday folks and the demands of living paycheck to paycheck (her attempt to survive a week on food stamps was a spectacular fail). Fortunately, the weirdest merchandise selected and sold by Paltrow is always good for a laugh, even though she seems to take these items seriously. You have to wonder: is she some kind of marketing genius who has tapped into a demographic of wealthy, New Age-y, Beverly Hills white women? Or is she playing a ridiculous character with total, life-encompassing commitment, a la Andy Kaufman?

The answer might never be clear. In the meantime, let's enjoy a rundown of some of the most absurd Goop products.

  • 1

    18K Gold Dumbbells

    At $125,000, the Hock Design Goldloft 18K Gold Dumbbells probably won't be showing up at your neighborhood Y anytime soon. But they do make a statement for those with luxury in-home gyms. Each Goop-approved dumbbell in the two-pair set is comprised of 2 kg of 18K gold.

    802 votes
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  • 2

    Vampire Repellant

    Vampire Repellant

    Protect yourself from "psychic vampires" and bad vibes with Goop's Psychic Vampire Repellant spray. Billed as "a unique and complex blend of sonically tuned gem elixirs," this formula is meant to be sprayed around your head in order to protect your aura. It sells for $27 a bottle.

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  • 3

    A Coffee Enema

    The Implant O-Rama System At-Home Coffee Enema marries the world of colonics with the world of beverages. A natural pairing, right? For $135, the java enema aims to clean you out and give you a rush like you've never experienced before.

    Incidentally, if Goop sells an "At-Home Coffee Enema," does that also mean they sell a mobile one that you can use in, say, your car?

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  • 4

    A Steamer For Your Lady Parts

    Gwyneth Paltrow's championing of injecting steam straight into intimate areas has raised more than a few eyebrows… and more than a few health concerns. But she is undeterred, and Goop still proudly recommends the Devi Steam Seat, which sells for $77. The manufacturer boasts that "this seat is handcrafted from Baltic-birth wood in our family shop in Colorado."

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  • 5

    A $755 Saucepan

    A $755 Saucepan

    No kitchen is complete without a $755 pan. Goop loves Ondine's Platine Medium Saucepan, which is billed as "one of GP's favorite cooking essentials." It's made in Italy of titanium-grade stainless steel and includes brass handles and a lifetime manufacturer's guarantee.

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  • 6

    A Toothpaste Squeezer

    When you're Gwyneth Paltrow, squeezing your own toothpaste is apparently something you don't have to do yourself anymore. With the Goop-sanctioned Cedes Milano Toothpaste Squeezer, a nifty little machine handles this unpleasant (?) task for you. The $244 squeezer is a "clever chrome plated brass device" that "ensures you get the most out of your toothpaste, every single time."

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  • 7

    A Rose Quartz Yoni Egg

    A Rose Quartz Yoni Egg

    Rose quartz gemstones are purported to contain energies that activate the heart and all the feelings associated with it: love, positivity, affection, romance, etc. The idea behind this $55 "yoni egg" is that you insert it into your intimate area in order to strengthen your feminine energies and tighten your tissues. As Gwyneth Paltrow's beauty guru Shiva Rose explains:

    "The word for our womb, yoni, translates as ‘sacred place,’ and it is a sacred place – it’s where many women access their intuition, their power, and their wisdom. It’s this inner sanctum that we can access when it’s not in use creating life. Sadly most people use it as a psychic trash bin, storing old or negative energy."

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  • 8

    Camel Milk Home Delivery Service

    Nothing hits the spot like a glass of ice-cold camel's milk. Now you, too, can have that milk delivered right to your door with the Goop-approved Desert Farms Camel Milk subscription service. At $103 a month, it's still cheaper than owning your own camel.

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  • 9

    Gold Playing Cards

    True high rollers might want to invest in 24K gold playing cards. Goop recommends Just One Eye's Gilded Playing Cards with Leather Card Case, retailing for $2,300.

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  • 10

    A Silk Toothbrush

    For Goop's 2017 holiday gift-giving guide, Gwyneth Paltrow selected the L'Officine Universelle Buly Silk Toothbrush as one of her must-haves. Selling for around $45, it's one of Gwynnie's cheaper recommendations, but it doesn't appear to skimp on style or substance. Silk bristles "efficiently clean teeth while pleasantly massaging the gum."

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  • 11

    Christian Louboutin Shoes For Kids

    Christian Louboutin Shoes For Kids

    Christian Louboutin is renowned for fashionable, pricey shoes favored by celebrities and the uber-rich. Gwyneth Paltrow doesn't think babies should be denied the power of a good pair of Louboutins, so she teamed with the designer to create watermelon-pink satin baby shoes, each pair complete with jazzy little bows. Asking price: $250.

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  • 12

    A Jellyfish Tank

    Jellyfish don't require the same level of care as dogs, and they're probably friendlier than a lot of cats, so it's only natural to want to give them the best home possible. Enter the Goop-blessed Darwin Tank, a jellyfish aquarium that looks like a cross between a bell jar and a lava lamp. It sells for about $3,000.

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  • 13

    A Condom Dispenser

    A Condom Dispenser

    Goop billed this Canoe Condom Dispenser as "serious design, for taking safe sex seriously." At $42, the stainless-steel contraption stored condoms and not much else, which might be the reason it's no longer manufactured. But as part of Goop's holiday gift guide in 2015, it generated a lot of interest with its "characteristic German efficiency."

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  • 14

    A Joint Holder

    A Joint Holder

    Apparently, Goop isn't above partaking of some herbal refreshment. This $45 Justin von der Fehr Joint Case is available in two trendy colors – blush and military green – and can be used to securely store any "any teeny essentials."

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  • 15

    A Cat Bed Shaped Like A Shark

    A Cat Bed Shaped Like A Shark

    No empty Amazon boxes for Gwyneth Paltrow's cats! They'd rather have the $89 Great White Shark Cat Bed from The Cat Ball. It's pretty much just what it sounds like: a whimsical little feline hidey-hole shaped like a shark. According to Goop, "It has two small openings (for easy entrance) and there’s no sharp built-in wiring, meaning it’s super flexible, too."

    495 votes
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