18 Famous Athletes Who Are Disabled

18 Famous Athletes Who Are Disabled

People in Sports
Updated December 7, 2023 148.0K views 18 items

This list contains information about athletes who are disabled loosely ranked by fame and popularity. Several olympic athletes, MLB players, and football stars have disabilities. Some of these athletes were born without limbs, while others became disabled due to injuries sustained later in life. One NFL player with a disability was a member of a championship team on several occasions.

Who is the most famous athlete who is disabled? Oscar Pistorius tops our list. Olympic runner Oscar Pistorius set world records in the Paralympics. Both of his legs were amputated below the knee due to fibular hemimelia. MLB pitcher Jim Abbott was born without a right hand. He won a gold medal in the 1988 Summer Olympics and pitched a total of 888 strike outs in his MLB career.

Rocky Bleier was injured when a grenade sent shrapnel into his lower right leg during the Vietnam War. Although he was told that he would never play football again, he went on to become a Super Bowl champion four times over with the Pittsburgh Steelers. Natalie du Toit had her left leg amputated at the knee after she was hit by a car in 2001. In 2008, she qualified for the Summer Olympics, becoming the third amputee to ever accomplish the difficult task.

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