The 220 Best Cult TV Shows

Ranker Community
Updated March 3, 2025 331.7K views 218 items
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261.1K votes
18.4K voters
75 reranks
Voting Rules
Vote up the best TV shows that have a significant fan presence that can be seen on forums, websites, clubs or fan-fiction.
Latest additions: Doctor Who
Most divisive: Farscape
Over 18.4K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The 220 Best Cult TV Shows

Dive into the riveting underworld of cult documentaries, a realm that spotlights charismatic leaders, devoted followers, and intoxicating ideologies. These engrossing series, shining a spotlight on the power of persuasion, decode the beguiling allure of cults for mass audiences, striking a masterful balance between entertainment and education. Unravel the intricate tapestry of compelling stories that echo chilling narratives from across the globe, shedding light on the devastating aftermaths that can ensue from blind faith. 

As you immerse yourself in this exploration, anticipate encounters with classic documentaries about cults - productions that have captured viewers’ hearts and minds through their gripping depictions of cult ideologies in real-world settings. Stories of charismatic figures weaving surreal worlds of faith and devotion come to life, offering a unique blend of intriguing narrative structures and in-depth revelations. These distinguished series delve deep into hazardous belief systems and blind allegiances, dishing out enlightening insights into the art of manipulation and control within religious sects and cults. 

Take, for instance, Wild Wild Country, a gripping tale of a guru and his followers who built a city in the Oregon desert, leading to conflict with local ranchers and the US government. Then there's Heaven's Gate: The Cult of Cults, that undertakes an eerie journey into an American UFO religious millenarian cult. Both series unfold layer by layer, drawing audiences into the heart of the cult dilemma. Other influential names such as Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath and Keep Sweet: Pray and Obey, further enrich this assortment. Viewers will find - as a cherry on top of this absorbing offering - handy streaming links to platforms including Hulu, Disney+, HBO Max, Netflix, Paramount+, and Amazon Prime for an effortless viewing experience. 

These best cult documentaries serve as illuminating guides into the tumultuous world of cults, tracking their origins, development, and oftentimes, explosive conclusions - all while triggering thought-provoking discussions on faith, control, manipulation, and freedom. Equipped with the extensive list mentioned above, you're well-prepared to embark on a captivating journey through the dark corridors of fascinating cult stories that unravel the human psyche's uncanny ability to submit to influential ideologies. Settle in for an eye-opening expedition that will leave you questioning, reflecting, and more deeply understanding the complex phenomenon of cults.