Thursday, August 11, 2016

Name My Quilt Top - Warm Palette Star Light, Star Dark

So you might already know that I adore cool colors, right? Well, the last couple of years I've been working a lot more with red, orange, and (*gasp*) yellow (case in point: "Emergence," "Metropolis," "Sunset").

When I set out to make another version of the Star Light, Star Dark Quilt for the QAL (quilt-a-long - which runs through Oct. 4!), I wanted to make the complete opposite of my cool color version, "Illuminate." And I'm star-struck (I wrote that out and then realized it was punny, but I'm leaving it). I've already started quilting it and I can't wait to show you more! It also helps that I've decided who to gift it to; I've been really inspired to work on it.

I used my curated bundle for the QAL through my sponsor Fat Quarter Shop, interspersed with some of my own fabrics (the bundle is still available for purchase; FQS provided me with my own). The keys to a great SLSD quilt are using tone-on-tone fabrics and creating contrast within a color (which I went into detail about in this post).

By the way, on Monday and during next week, check back to see a linky party of progress on all the great SLSD quilts out there - just WOW! You can see some of them right now on the #starlightstardarkqal hashtag on Instagram, or in the Quilty Habit Facebook group (which is for all QH readers!).

For quilt names, I'm thinking of "Incandescence," "Blaze," and "Invigorate" (somewhat like "Illuminate"). Help me out and vote - which one do you like best? Or can you think of another option? I'm partial to the third choice, but I keep waffling. :)


  1. I do like blaze. What about Red star or Fire stars?

  2. What about Ignite or Ignited? Like an ignited flame, idea, or feeling....

  3. I like blaze or even Star Blaze. Either way, they are great colors. Thanks for linking up with TGIFF!

  4. "Blaze" is my favorite of your top three choices but all I could think of when I saw your gorgeous quilt top was "Solar Flare".

  5. StarFire? Or Blaze. But I'm not real good at naming. So I say go with your gut, and if you are feeling Invigorate, go for it. I like how it complements the name for your cool version.

  6. Oops, I just noticed that Star Fire is the name of a quilt on another blog I just read, so maybe not a good suggestion for this one. It must have slipped out of my subconscious. :)

  7. To me these colours evoke summer. How about somehow combining sunshine and stars in your title?

  8. I like Blaze for a name. Really enjoying the quilt along. I applied for membership in the Facebook group.

  9. I just keep thinking Sunset when I look at this. Or Autumn Blaze because these colors scream Fall to me. Either way it's awesome!

  10. I love the warm colors of this one! I can't name a quilt...ever! It's too hard and the harder I try the more lame it gets!

  11. Beautiful, just love how your quilt looks! "Hot pepper" is what comes up in my mind, lol!

  12. Just checking out your blog.... these quilts are beautiful.. Would definitely like to try it.

  13. I lean towards blaze too. It is also the easiest to write down, lol. I love this color combo with tiny bit of green to spice it up.

  14. Spicy Stars!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. How about Global Warming? No?

    Okay I like Hot Light. or So Warm.
    I am not a good namer
    Invigorate is good

  16. You said it yourself in your post...."I'm Star-struck" or just "Star-struck. But whatever you name it, it is beautiful.

  17. I would name it starburst because it is the same color family as the starburst candy. It would look like it was intentionally planned all along with your color and design scheme.

  18. I just went back and re-read the post and realized I was supposed to pick between your 3 choices. Sorry about that, I wasn't trying to be bossy!

  19. Since the colors are so warm, in the vein of Illuminate, how about "Radiate". Love it whatever you call it!

    1. Jennifer, I love it! Thanks for making this so difficult! :D ;)


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