Sales Dashboard

This guide provides examples, templates and practical advice to help you create a best-in-class sales dashboard of your own.

A Qlik Sense dashboard design example showing key metrics, interactive charts, AI-powered recommendations and mobile version.

What is a Sales Dashboard?

A sales dashboard is a BI tool that allows data-driven sales teams to track and analyze KPIs and share this information across an organization. Modern sales dashboards go beyond simple visualization. They integrate with your CRM, marketing, and finance systems, allowing you to easily drill into the data and get real insights – insights that help you forecast more accurately, close more deals, and crush your revenue goals.

Executive Sales Dashboard Examples

Effective sales dashboards allow sales and RevOps executives to easily track their team’s progress toward goals, manage pipeline and identify issues, and set forecasts based on data they trust. Sales leaders are highly visible in their organizations and these dashboard examples help them quickly communicate performance to all stakeholders.

Executive Sales Dashboard

Try Executive Sales Dashboard Demo

Executive sales dashboards share KPIs such as closed revenue, opportunity status and performance vs quota trends.

Sales Budget KPIs Dashboard

Naturally, sales leaders track revenue. But they also have to track management metrics like expenses vs target and account receivable percentage. And they need to be able to explore the data by year, segment, region, sales rep and product group. Modern dashboards integrate data from multiple sources to present these KPIs in one place.

Try Sales Budget KPIs Demo

A Qlik Sense dashboard displaying various key performance indicators, including expenses, revenue, and account receivable overview, along with pie charts and line graphs for detailed analysis.

Sales vs Margin Dashboard

Sales executives are accountable to profitability, not just top-line revenue. This sales analysis dashboard provides the sales vs margin by salesperson as a holistic visualization and allows the executive to drill into each reps performance.

Try Sales vs Margin Dashboard Demo

Sales analysis dashboards provide sales vs margin by salesperson and the ability to drill into performance.

Sales Performance and Productivity Dashboard

Sales execs need a dashboard that gives a complete picture, from macro-level down to individual-level performance, all on one screen. This sales dashboard example allows them to easily drill into data to analyze the health of their pipeline by region, industry, job function or sales representative.

Try Sales Performance and Productivity Dashboard Demo

Qlik Sense dashboard displaying various charts related to sales performance: pipeline by region, closed revenue by region, quota by region, top reps' closed revenue vs. any deal, and sales reps' closed revenue vs. quota.

How to Design Best-in-Class Dashboards - Image

How to Design Best-in-Class Dashboards

Download our ebook with 4 must-see dashboard examples.

Salesforce Dashboard Examples

A modern sales dashboard goes far beyond the limited capabilities of CRM systems. Depending solely on the simple reports and often limited historical data in a CRM system can mean missing the bigger picture and missing opportunities. It can also mean that salespeople are spending time looking for data rather than selling.In today’s competitive, data-driven world, sales teams need instant insights. They need to easily explore CRM data and combine it with other sales, marketing, and finance data to quickly analyze performance by market, channel, rep, customer and product over any time period.

Salesforce Pipeline Dashboard

This interactive dashboard helps sales executives quickly compare pipeline performance for previous, current and future quarters. Top pending deals are highlighted and execs can easily drill into the details to understand and strategize how to increase close rate.

Try Salesforce Pipeline Dashboard Demo

A Salesforce pipeline dashboard lets executives quickly compare pipeline performance for previous, current and future quarters.

Salesforce Opportunities Dashboard

Modern sales dashboards present near real-time data from your CRM in formats and visualizations that are easier for teams to review and act upon. For example, this dashboard allows salespeople to instantly analyze opportunities over time, the opportunity pipeline and opportunities by probability by any time period.

Qlik Salesforce dashboard allows salespeople to analyze pipeline and opportunities by probability by any time period.

Salesforce Accounts Dashboard

This sales dashboard example allows salespeople to easily view and drill into account data pre-sorted by industry or by region for any time period they choose. This provides both a high-level picture and the ability to get a detailed, account level analysis on the health of their accounts.

The Qlik Salesforce accounts dashboard provides detailed, account level analysis on the health of their accounts.

Salesforce Team Performance Dashboard

Sales leaders need to be able to get a quick, up-to-date sense of their team’s performance based on KPIs such as average closed value per opportunity and average days in pipeline. A visualization of the entire team based on parameters such as won opportunity amount and number of customers helps managers spot outlying performers on their team.

The Qlik Salesforce salesperson dashboard gives a real-time picture of the team’s performance based on KPIs.

A laptop screen displays a data visualization dashboard with a scatter plot, a chord diagram, and a data table on a teal background with subtle geometric shapes.

10 Ways to Take Your Visualizations to the Next Level

Inspire action with your data. Learn about the latest visualizations and how to choose the right ones to highlight the most important aspects of your data.

Consumer Products & Retail Sales Dashboards

Consumer Products & Retail sales professionals need to analyze and manage numerous product lines, territories and sales reps. They need dashboards that pull together data from numerous systems to give them a complete and actionable picture.

Consumer Sales KPI Dashboard

Try Consumer Sales KPI Dashboard Demo

CPG sales dashboards pull together real-time data from numerous systems to give a complete picture.

Sales by Region Dashboard

This interactive dashboard allows sales managers to understand revenue by city and by product. They can click on any city to see a complete picture and they can parse the data by sales rep or by customer for any time period. This give them a full picture of how the top and bottom sales reps are performing.

Try Sales by Region Dashboard Demo

Interactive dashboards allow consumer sales managers to parse data by rep or customer for any time period.

Consumer Sales Rep Performance Dashboard

Given the large product portfolio of consumer products and retail companies, sales leaders need help understanding how each of their reps are performing across all products. This dashboard is designed to show at a glance the sales quantity by product for each rep while also allowing the sales leader to factor in important KPIs such as margin and lead time vs inventory.

Try Consumer Sales Rep Performance Dashbaord Demo

Consumer sales dashboards show rep performance across products and KPIs like margin and lead time.

CPG Sales Variance Dashboard

Sales leaders in consumer packaged goods companies also need to quickly assess how all products are performing against goals or previous time periods. This sales/variance visualization presents a clear picture of the full product portfolio and allows for deeper analysis of any data point.

Try CPG Sales Variance Dashboard Demo

CPG sales execs use visualization dashboards to quickly assess how all products are performing against goals.

A group of people working together at computer desks in a modern office setting. One person is pointing at a screen while others observe.

Don’t just measure. Measure what matters.

Download the KPI Planning Guide to learn:

  • 10 steps to strong KPIs

  • Which questions help you define your KPIs

  • 170 KPI examples and templates

See interactive dashboards in action