Showing posts with label Vitus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vitus. Show all posts

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Swiss Family Film Festival: Free Movie Screenings for the Family at the Shang

As part of the celebration of the 60th year of good diplomatic relations between Switzerland and the Philippines, the Swiss Embassy Manila proudly presents the first ever Swiss Film Festival which will feature family-friendly quality Swiss films with English subtitles. It's another reason for movie buffs to be happy about. What's more, the Swiss Film Festival, just like other annual international film screenings will be held open and FREE to the public! 

Yes, you're reading this right. Shangri-La Plaza, the metro's lifestyle and shopping destination and the home of international film screenings, will once again be the venue and host on the upcoming first Swiss Film Festival in the country. 
Swiss Ambassador the the Philippines, Ms. Andrea Reichlin

In partnership with the Embassy of Switzerland and Shangri-La Plaza, the first ever Swiss Film Festival will be held for two consecutive weeks beginning from April 28 to 30, 2017 and from May 5 to 7, 2017 at the Shangri-la Mall's Cineplex Cinema 4. 

It will be featuring three of the best Swiss films with family-themed movies such as Heidi, the award-winning film Vitus and Rascals on the Road. Shangri-La Plaza and the Swiss embassy Manila presents these inspiring and timeless classic stories for kids and kids at heart to enjoy and be able to relate with.

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