Press release:
Rustan’s Supermarket celebrates their anniversary with amazing treats and deals for you in their annual Anniversary Sale until November
4, 2018!
In line with their celebration of their 48th anniversary, Rustan's has awesome discounts, buy one take one promo deals which they loyal customers can enjoy. There are lots of promo deals as you shop for Rustan’s
Supermarket’s premium meats and produce, international wines, breakfast
favorites and snacks, pantry staples, home and beauty essentials, and more! The
Anniversary Sale will be having different exciting offers, so don’t miss the
first wave of exclusive deals and savings available until October 23! Watch out
for the next set of offers to be revealed on October 24.
As part of its anniversary celebration, Rustan’s Supermarket is also donating 48 wheelchairs to 48 children with serious illnesses
in partnership with Make a Wish
Philippines, the first and only non-profit wish granting foundation in the
Promos and deals are until November 4, so don’t miss
the chance to celebrate the great deal and steals from Rustan’s Supermarket’s
Anniversary Sale!
more info, visit, follow and like rustansfresh on
Facebook, and @rustansfresh on Instagram and Twitter.