Showing posts with label #MoneyPH. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #MoneyPH. Show all posts

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Finally: Life Insurance for Senior Citizens and the Elderly

I once read somewhere: “If the weather forecast says there is a 50 percent chance of rain, would you bring an umbrella? What if I told you there is a 100 percent chance you will die; how much life insurance would you get?

For most Filipinos, they think getting an insurance sucks because they feel like it’s a bummer to their planned budget travels or because it sounds oh-so repetitively advertised by almost everyone, that even their distant weird relative tries to get in touch with you after a long time. Insurance may feel like a scam that agents out there seem out to rob you of your money. Insurance sucks because it sounds so morbid and it doesn’t even add up to your bucket list of skydiving or seeing the northern lights. Insurance sucks because we all hate 
being sold to and you don’t want to give your hard-earned money to those annoying people who keep telling you to save. 

For the millennials, insurance sucks because you are forced to become an adult when you’re still quite unsure if you’re way past your puberty. Insurance sucks because suddenly you need to think about others when you just want to think about yourself. Insurance sucks because despite that you hate it, you know you need it. Insurance sucks because if ever you don’t start today and something does really happen, you wish you’ve started earlier. So look no further, find that annoying financial adviser who can guide you in insurance. Trust me, it’s a necessary pain in the ass. But we all need them. 

Senior citizens had something to be happy about! Finally, a health and insurance coverage for seniors (age 50 and up) with SUN SENIOR CARE!

Senior citizens had something to be happy about

Friday, October 19, 2018

Money Tricks for the Homemaker

Frugality is not a bad word and so does being kuripot. It’s all about sensible spending and cutting down  on luho (luxury).  To ride out the tough times, squeeze that peso until Dr. Jose Rizal squeals.

So how exactly should we handle our money? Here’s a simple guide to your financial happiness. According to financial experts, only 10 percent should go to our WANTS (which includes travel, gadgets, clothes, etc.), 10 percent goes to EDUCATION (training, seminar, workshops), 10 percent goes to ASSURANCE FUND (Safety fund, HMO, Health fund), 10 percent goes to LIFESTYLE FUND (luxury living, cinema, spa), 10 percent must go to TITHES (church, charity, donations), 40 percent must go to HOME (Necessities, Food, Transpo, Bills) and another 10 percent is for YUMMY (young millionaire investments and business.).

Note: Percentage shown in each purposed are just examples, you may change it base on what you need and what you want. Just make sure that the total percentage is 100%. 

We have to pay our monthly bills before it's due date

The sad part is that in terms of financial priorities, 52 percent of young families place expenses such as cable and cellphone bills ahead of buying life insurance. Think about what matters most. 

Thursday, October 18, 2018

How an Accident Made Me Change the Way I look at Insurance

This is how our ATV went turtle on the rough roads of Sandbox in Pampanga

My mom and I almost died when we met a vehicular accident in an adventure theme park in Porac, Pampanga back in 2014. That’s the ordeal I had to go through in order for me to learn the value of being insured. I wouldn’t want anyone to experience such in order for you to learn the value of having an insurance that’s why I’m sharing this story. I realized insurance was something I should’ve done long before I needed it. 

There is no way to really describe accidents accurately. I don’t remember anything at all; I don’t remember the ATV taking a sharp turn to the right either.  I just remember the sound of crashing ATV against my back, and then silence. My lumbar was hit by the ATV itself, I was frozen for only a moment, screamed at the top of my lungs asking nearby people for help, as I thought about my mom who was later found a few meters from where I was, unconscious with a fractured femur. 

Mom and me before the accident

Those who rescued us asked if I was okay and I got up after the ATV was removed off my back, my lumbar felt some tremendous pain but I ignored it. “I’m fine, is my Mom okay?”

My arm was filled with scars, burns and bruises right after the accident.

My mom was badly hurt. “At least she was alive. That is what’s important,” I said to myself.

My mom suffered a fractured femur and had to undergo operation/surgery for partial hip prosthesis
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