Industrial & Process Plant
As an Innovative & fully Competent Company, we provide the complete disinfection solution with the support of our global partners, we are dedicated to providing the latest proven technologies and a comprehensive range of advanced chlorination plants specific and tailored to our Clients and Partners in the Public and Private Sector, for potable water, wastewater and cooling towers. These are designed to provide high performance and reliability, together with ease of operation, low energy consumption, and cost reduction.
The equipment and materials of construction are selected from leading suppliers in order to maximize system reliability and minimize maintenance costs. The produced water conforms to World Health Organization regulations/requirements for potable water.
On-site Sodium Hypochlorite Generation System
ON-SITE ELECTROCHLORINATION (BRINE CHLORINATION) It is a simple and proven technology to convert ordinary salt by means of electrolysis into 1st-grade sodium hypochlorite (ELECTRO HYPO) using hypochlorite generators ( electro chlorinator system). It is always applied on-site, at the point of application. No chemicals other than ordinary salt are used throughout the process.
A diluted brine solution is fed through an electrolyser cell ( chlorinator ). When a low voltage DC current is applied, electrolysis occurs and sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) is generated instantaneously.
Chlorine Dioxide Generation System
Pure Water has extensive experience chlorine dioxide in both process and water applications, including cooling towers, potable water, and wastewater. Two patented systems for producing chlorine dioxide at the customer’s site are offered: the concentrated submersible reactor system and the concentrated tube reactor system. Both systems allow customers to produce up to 100 kg of chlorine dioxide per hour at different concentrations and using a variety of acids. Because both systems are submersible and produce chlorine dioxide under water, the risk of gas leaks and explosions are virtually eliminated.