Decorating a Nursery on a Budget: Part II
8:52 PMTo sum up my tips on decorating a nursery, here are my top 5 (scroll down for lots of photos!):
1. Don't overspend.
Now, having had a baby, I realize that beautiful bedding doesn't stay beautiful. Within minutes, it can be covered in spit up and poop. It's great to have a beautiful nursery but it has to be functional as well. If you can afford $500 bedding, go for it, but if not, there are tons of cheap options at places like Target and (And as my husband would say, wouldn't that $500 be better spent on a 529 plan so Genevieve can go to college?) Gotta love that man. 2. Accesorize, but sparingly.
I bought BAGS of accessories-I'm talking jewel adorned cake stands I was going to use to put baby stuff on (soooo not practical), adorable frames, little glass animals for shelves, books, baskets, etc. Eventually when I actually put the room together I realized less is more. Also as your baby gets older, decorative items will become obsolete. I'm already preparing to say goodbye to my beautiful homemade teacup lamp.*3. Accesorize cheaply.
Three words: TJ Maxx, Homegoods, and Marshall's! I lived there when I was decorating. They have one of a kind items at great prices. I also shopped at thrift stores and antique stores where I found the book sets and her dresser along with so many other adorable furniture items I wished I had room for.4. Use bright, contrasting colors...and decorate for both you and baby.
Though we lean toward pastels for babies, they actually like bright contrasting colors. Babies respond to black and white earlier than they do to other colors--especially pastels. Genevieve LOVES her bright room. She can be crying and we'll walk into her room and she'll start cooing! And what do I mean by decorate for yourself? You have to live with the room. Do you really want to decorate with jungle animals if you hate the idea because you think that's what babies like? Babies aren't picky! Pick something your baby can grow into that you will also enjoy. I like my nursery. Although I'd rather not be up at 3 am, at least if I am I can be in an environment I find pretty. :)
5. Storage, storage, storage...
Babies have lots of crap, I mean stuff. ;) Seriously I can't believe how much stuff Genevieve has and it seems there is always more I'm running out to Babies-R-Us to grab. I bought a dresser with 6 drawers (rather than a changing table with little storage), 7 baskets, and 2 ottomans with storage. I use containers for under her bed and she has a fairly spacious closet and we could still use more storage.Oh I lied--I have 6 tips!
6. Don't be afraid to mix it up.
Your nursery should be a reflection of you. As for my style, I call it the dichotomy of Tiffany: I love old and new. I LOVE modern but I also love vintage and antique. I tried to mix it up using those two elements. I used an old dresser and an old rocking chair but a new, fairly modern crib. I understand some of you type As will not be able to handle having espresso and white furniture or old and new furniture in the same room and trust me I get that! But don't be afraid to throw in some off beat elements even if all of your furniture is matchy matchy. It will make the room more unique.Shelves from Ikea. Books from antique store. Frames and decorative items Marshalls and TJ Maxx.
The mobile doesn't even go with this set but you'd never know it! Mirror from HomeGoods. Baskets from HomeGoods (please ignore the dust bunnies surrounding them!). Memo boards from TJ Maxx (I wish I'd made would have been so easy!).
i'm so proud of you!!! not only is this nursery ADORABLE & filled with tons of great ideas & cute unique details (LOVE the flea market book sets & ornate frames)...this blog is getting REALLY good! :) i think i'd visit it even if i wasn't bias to my bff. you're TOO cute...and so is your baby.