discloshur (I am a dawg)
Hi! It's me, Murphy!
Mommy is takin' the day off for Christmas so I get to talk to you today. Me an' my sister Twinkie want to say Happy Howlidays to all of you and thank you for all the kisses and belly rubs you send us when Mommy posts our pictures. She is proud of us - we know 'cause she tells us all the time. We are good dogs, Mommy says.
This is the picture we made for you yesterday...
I was takin' a nap in the sun on our doggie futon Mommy keeps for us in her office. We like to be with her all the time - even when she's workin'. She likes to have us with her because she loves us!
We're havin' a good Christmas 'cause Mommy got us new collars and didn't make us wear weird clothes. And we didn't even have to have a B-A-T-H! Mommy spells it out but we still know it means bath 'cause we are smart! What it IS is...just when we get back to smellin' right and fully dawg, the human gives us one of these B-A-T-Hs with water and takes away all the good smells and makes us stink with fru-fru stuff.
Humans are weird.
Sometimes right after a bath, we can find something good to roll in outside. We get on our backs and roll and roll and get the dead bird or whatever it is all deep in our fur and make everything right again. Happy! And then Mommy gives us ANOTHER B-A-T-H. But we love her anyway.
We also got more toys to play with. A new Frisbee for Twinkie and a new Kong for me. For the longest time I didn't understand what toys were or how to "play." I don't remember much from before Mommy, but it wasn't fun. No one ever petted me or taught me how to play or gived me enough to eat. Human hands were only for hitting me and sometimes they used sticks like the kind Mommy uses to sweep and mop with. It hurt to walk because my paw pads were shredded and I was scared all the time and very sad. Mommy says there was no light in my eyes.
Mommy might give us B-A-T-Hs but she's nothing like the other humans I knew before. She always gives me food and love and kisses. She pets me and hugs me and plays with me. Twinkie tries to teach me stuff too. She's pretty bossy but I love her anyway. But I know Mommy would never use her hands to hit me. Hers are only for loving me. And when she gets out the sticks, she never hits me with them. She just cleans up the floor with them. I love Mommy. I can walk and even run without it hurting my paws! And I weigh almost as much as Mommy now! When I got here, I weighed less than half what I weigh now and I barely had the energy to stand up long enough to pee. (Oh and I learned to lift my leg too!) And I even learned how to jump up on the futon and bed! I didn't know how to jump before.
I don't know why the other humans didn't love me. I was such a good boy. I know 'cause Mommy tells me all the time what a good boy I am. I never bother anything of hers or chew or tear stuff up and I do whatever Mommy tells me. Before Mommy got me, I had given up. Humans were cruel and even though I was a very good boy I just didn't want to live anymore 'cause being alive wasn't nice at all...it was just hurt.
So before Mommy makes me get off the 'puter I just want to tell you MY Christmas wish.
I wish that no doggies had to live like I did before Mommy got me. I wish there weren't those other kind of humans. I wish I knew why those other kinds of humans exist.
I wish all humans like Mommy would go and rescue other good dogs like me.
I wish everyone who wanted a puppy would THINK first. Decide if they could take good care of one like Mommy does me. Mommy says the vet costs a lot of money but I'm worth it.
I wish people wouldn't buy puppies from pet stores. There are LOTS of doggies like I was. Good dogs who just want to love you and be loved...without anyone to love them. If you go rescue a doggie like me, you wouldn't EVER be sorry 'cause they would love you SO MUCH. They would be loyal and faithful and never ever let anything happen to you and love you forever and ever until they die.
I wish all doggies were as blessed as I am this year.
And here are some photos of us. Mommy says we are her beautiful babies!
Happy HOWLidays!!! ♥
If you want to read other posts by me and Twinks or about dogs, Mommy put some links below.
Dogs Deserve Better
Beach Time!
And now she's making me get off 'cause it's time to go outside. It's so pretty out today and warm. She said we might even get to go for a boat ride today!
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