PK Protect Data Protection Platform

Secure Your Data on Endpoints, In the Cloud,
and on Mainframes

An Introduction to PK Protect

PK Protect is the only end-to-end solution that supports an organization’s data security posture by detecting and protecting sensitive data across the enterprise. Whether in structured, unstructured, semi-structured, or free-form data formats, regardless of device or environment, PKWARE’s data-centric approach protects what matters most, your sensitive data.

PK Protect offers three solutions ensuring your sensitive data is protected wherever it lives and moves inside and outside of your organization. Whether you need to meet compliance requirements, are being proactive against a breach, or have been breached, PK Protect helps you solve it quickly.

The only solution with end-to-end data discovery and protection capabilities

What Customers Have to Say About PK Protect

“PKWARE was a perfect match for us, with the ability to scale globally and solve different use cases, providing us with the insights and capabilities to manage our data going forward.”

Thomas Mazzaferro, Chief Data Officer, Western Union

Data Privacy Inside Western Union - PKWARE

PK Protect supports your data security posture using one easy to use tool that accurately discovers data in structured, unstructured and semi-structured environments allowing you to identify security and privacy risks as your data moves in and out of your organization. PKWARE’s data-centric approach takes it a level deeper by actually protecting the data from the inside. That way whether you need to meet compliance requirements or you are breached you have on-demand reporting and peace of mind that your data is unusable when a breach occurs, regardless of device or environment.

PK Protect’s Data Discovery and Protection Capabilities

Many organizations try and add tools to protect their sensitive data. With PK Protect, you have one tool, with very little maintenance required, that finds and protects all of your data, wherever it lives and moves in real-time, at a fraction of the cost. Not to mention the time needed to manage multiple solutions.

“DSPM technologies can discover unknown data and categorize structured and unstructured data across cloud service platforms. Security and risk management leaders can also use them to identify security and privacy risks as data spreads through pipelines and across geographic boundaries.”

Gartner’s: Innovation Insight: Data Security Posture Management Report

  • Blog
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  • ibm z/os mainframe
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  • Data center with endless servers
    Jason Dobbs August 13, 2023
  • Western Union
    PKWARE December 5, 2022
  • data_encryption
    Ben Meyers November 13, 2023
  • ibm z/os mainframe
    Tait Hamiel August 29, 2023
  • Data center with endless servers
    Jason Dobbs August 13, 2023