Runescape characters.

Runescape characters.

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Runescape characters.

Title: Runescape characters.
Pixel Artist: Harrisonk  (Level 5 Assistant Manager :: 3936 points)
Posted: 1/26/2014 02:09
Statistics:  4 comments    1 faves    0 avatars

I have spent far too much time on this game to not do something like this. I can stop whenever I want!


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skeddles (Level 11 Sphinx) @ 1/26/2014 13:40

I've been playing way too much runescape lately. These are nice though, love the style

Losm (Level 7 Mass Murderer) @ 1/26/2014 07:41

Holy shit. Actual RuneScape pixel art on this site? Never thought I'd see the day! 

As flawed as that game might be, I still love it. Nice job! 

Mutley (Level 1 Depressed) @ 1/26/2014 05:40

I like the colors, but need more details...

_Connor (Level 5 Assistant Manager) @ 1/26/2014 04:37

holy crap, i remember when i made runescape clan sigs for gp many years ago lol. The phats could do with a few more curves imo, and if you think of how a party hat or crown sits on a real head, the sides are down around the ears and the points only protrude past the head slightly. Try juyst moving  them down more

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Runescape characters. avatars, Runescape characters. icons, Runescape characters. pixel art, Runescape characters. forum avatars, Runescape characters. AOL Buddy Icons

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