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Title: WWII-Sdkfz
Pixel Artist: shockingws  (Level 1 Private :: 44 points)
Posted: 7/30/2007 22:56
Statistics:  5 comments    5 faves    0 avatars

This was my first time trying to draw the WWII style vehicle in 2005.


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breathingsand (Level 3 Enforcer) @ 8/4/2007 13:41
very nice. the little dudes have a lot of personality but the tank itself is kinda stale. give some battle scars and a different shade of grey paint and it'll be great.

shockingws (Level 1 Private) @ 7/31/2007 10:26
to schrumpfkopf:
Ya..I drew this in 2005. I posted it on my friend's pixel website-@pixel.

to soda:

to Commodore:
I will try to improve this part. Thanks.

schrumpfkopf (Level 4 Team Leader) @ 7/31/2007 06:35

did u post them on some chinese website?

soda (Level 10 President) @ 7/31/2007 06:08
I like these little things, nice job. 

Commodore (Level 2 Flatfoot) @ 7/31/2007 04:59
The colours are kinda boring. Don't use the same hue for shadows and highlights.

Related & Tags

vehicle,military,soldiers,WW2,light tank, WWII-Sdkfz avatars, WWII-Sdkfz icons, WWII-Sdkfz pixel art, WWII-Sdkfz forum avatars, WWII-Sdkfz AOL Buddy Icons

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