Showing posts with label yum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label yum. Show all posts

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Best Soda Bread Recipe - Ever {17/31}

This post is brought to you through the power of Blogtoberfest 2012

Seriously - I make a fair bit of soda bread and I've finally mastered the balance between moisture and crumb.  The secret's in the oats - they soak up any excess moisture so you don't have to overbake.

This works for me in an oven which pretty much only has three settings: meringue - stew - scorch.  For what it's worth, I preset the oven to 180 … And bake for about 35-40 minutes. The cooling part is really important … it's how the crumb takes shape.

You will need:
200g      Wholemeal flour   (the top picture is this version)
50g         Plain white flour
[You could just use 250g plain white flour, if you prefer – see big pic at end]
150g        Oats (porridge/rolled etc.)
1 tsp        Bicarbonate of Soda (flat)
2 tsps       Baking Powder (flat)
(optional)  handful mixed seeds (hemp, sunflower, sesame, poppy, whatever you like) or nuts – walnuts are great in this, make the pieces small and nibbed, not almighty clunkers …
1 tsp         salt
2 tsps        brown sugar – don’t leave this out!  Honey or agave at a pinch … or try treacle!
350 mls buttermilk – or if you can’t get it, in order of preference: plain yoghurt (bio is good) milk or water

Sieve all dry ingredients - Do not overdo it with the baking powder/bicarb - too much and your bread won't rise and will just taste strongly of bicarb. 

Mix in liquid with a fork, quickly and lightly till you have a sticky but definitely dough like ball.  DO NOT OVERMIX.

Turn out on to a floured board.  Knead very briefly (max 30 secs) and shape into a round flat ball.
Cut a deep cross in the top and sprinkle with flour.

Turn onto a floured baking tray and bake for 40ish mins.  It should be a good nutty brown on top and sound hollow when you tap the bottom.

this one was with white flour, seeds and nuts and it was totally scrummalicious

Leave to cool on wire rack for at least 30 mins before attempting to cut.  It allows the oats to swell up and take on any of the excess moisture.

Soda bread really does only take 5 mins to prepare.  (and about as long to wolf down!)  If you've run out of bread it's so simple to just get in there and make some. 

Are you a good baker? I can be, but I’m not consistent -  I tend to be too imprecise about the chemistry of it all.

That’s why I like soda bread! It’s a pretty forgiving recipe, you can chuck in nuts and seeds, or play around with the flours – I’ve substituted 50g of the wholemeal with buckwheat flour and that works well. You can even add fruit and cinnamon – you’ll have to tweak the flour down – but once you’ve got your basic soda bread right, you can experiment all you like and this recipe gives you somewhere to start from! 

Even if it comes out like a brick (which it can do if you overwork it or don’t use enough bicarb/baking powder) it will still be delicious!

Nothing tastes better with soup.  Or homemade jam.

(Prob too late to go and make some now, so it bakes while I watch the final of The Great British Bake Off on iPlayer … but tempting, very tempting)


Remember … you still have until the end of the month to enter the giveaway for 12 FQs of Blitzen from Basic Grey.

This giveaway will run for the duration of Blogtoberfest – that is, until midnight 31st October UK time - I’ll announce the winner as close to November 1st as I can, to give you plenty of time to make a little something for Christmas.

International entries welcome!

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Eternal Maker - Japanese Scrap Bag Challenge - Final Votes Please …

OK lovely people … if you haven’t voted yet … now is your last chance … I’m extending this until midnight THURSDAY (UK time) because I know a few people who want to vote but maybe are a little jet lagged from Quilt Market :)

To sum up, these are our wonderful entries:

and you can vote here
The winner will receive a year’s subscription to Eternal Maker’s Japanese Swatch Club
The entries are awesome [a word I can type but can’t actually say because I’m a Brit and I find it tricky]

In other, related, news … have you seen the new Echino Fall 2011 line? … S W O O N …  here are a few pics … all available from the Eternal Maker  …

What I love about Echino is that you can obsess and build a stash over time and it will always work well together … genius!
So, go vote, please … your blogfriends need you!
Or go buy, please … your local UK fabric store needs you too!

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

lipsmackinfussycuttingseampressingthreadmatchingbuttonstitchinggrometpoppingpleatmakingdiamondcuttingmuffwarming Japanese Scrap Bag Challenge! Part III of III

So here we are, the final day of showcasing the fab talents of My lovely Eternal Maker Japanese Scrap Bag Challengees.

Remember, voting will start tomorrow …squeeee!!!

Today we’re looking through the round window at Bianca G, Emily L & Hadley

(Clicking on the pictures will take you directly to the flickr pages!) 


Bianca G
”My sister has been wanting a muff to keep her hands warm when it's cold outside. I think it would be so cute to have the Japanese prints on the outer of the muff with some nice fluffy fabric for the inside. Oh yeah, she also wants it to be a purse, so I'm working on inserting at least a small zipper compartment of some sort. But she would simply die if she got a muff plus cute Japanese fabric. We've been Japan-o-philes for a while.”

muff 2muff 1

Emily L      tutorial here!   

I would make my little girl a patchwork sandwich bag and try lamintating my scraps once pieced to make it usefully wipeable, she is off to pre-school soon :( and it will be lovely to send her with something made with love and unlike any of the other childrens!

Lunchbag Japanese scrap lunch bag

Flying Blind On A Rocket Cycle - Hadley - tutorial here!

”Depending on the scraps, I would be making tags to distinguish all 3 school kiddies identical book bags, PE bags, swimming bags and cardies; children should be identifiable by pattern!“

Japanese Scrap Bag Challenge - The one with the tags!

Please come back tomorrow for a mosaic-y roundup and details of how to vote!  Yay!

Don’t forget, the prize is a year’s membership of Eternal Maker’s Japanese Swatch Club … so these guys need your votes :)

Secret prize for the best muff innuendo comment ;)

Saturday, 30 July 2011

Calling All Quilting Nerds - Bletchley Park Quilt Competition - yes, really.

Bletchley Park is holding a Quilt Exhibition in February 2012.

It’s organised by the Quilters’ Guild (of the British Isles) and it was featured in British Patchwork & Quilting, and on a Yahoo! quilting group, but as I don’t spend any time with either really, I missed it.

Sadly, the deadline to enter the “Secret Messages” Category was April.  I would have loved to enter that,

BUT there’s still time to enter the ‘Open’ Category Quilt Competition.  The deadline to send in your application is November 30th, with final submission of quilt on 31st January.

Here's some background info ...

You can download the application form here:

“You may take your inspiration from the parklands, architecture, exhibitions or collections to be found at Bletchley Park. We are looking for quilts that reflect the history and work of Bletchley Park."

Here’s a little nerdy inspiration (click pic to go to my set on flickr)


And a little outside inspiration (click pic to go to my set on flickr):


Bletchley Park is a really fascinating place.  Eisenhower said that without Bletchley Park and its cryptographers, WWII would have lasted another two years.  The stories of the people who worked there are fascinating and poignant.  The place itself is magical. 

The echoes of genius reverberate everywhere you wander …

So, what’s stopping you?  Are you up for a challenge?  I love a challenge :)  … I had my brainwave today and now I just have to work out how to make it real!

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Happy Happy Give Me Give Me Mochi Mochi Yum Yum

Be still my beating heart ...

Lynne @ Lily's Quilts is having a fabtastic 2 FQ stack giveaway of Monica Solorio-Snow's gorgeous new line for Lecien - Happy Mochi Mochi Yum Yum, sponsored by The Fat Quarter Shop.  I've had my eye on this big time since Monica first unveiled little sneaky peeks  ... I absolutely love it.

You should see the loveliness that Monica's making over at The Happy Zombie

(Monica's using the line for her Farmer's Wife Quilt-a-long! - you can see more here on flickr )

So, what are you wating for .... get on over to Lily's Quilts and be in with a chance to win ...  !

Sunday, 29 May 2011

sunday sorbet

I meant to post this ages ago …  A few weeks ago lovely Lizzie from Liz'sQuilts was giving away some Perle cottons and this is what she sent me! 


Aren’t they just mouthwatering?

Thanks again Liz,

Monday, 18 April 2011

Yay! Swap Delights …

You may have noticed (I hope you have!) that I’ve been a little bit offline lately - I went to stay with some friends in Oxford and now I’ve been sucked into the swirling maelstrom of ‘start of term’ …

That, coupled with a really dodgy internet connection, has meant that it’s been almost impossible to get online long enough to post anything!

I treated myself to sweet peas at the station.  my house is singing with their scent.

So, straight to business … this post is all about the yumminess I received in the post:

This fantastic package in the Doll Quilt Swap, from Samantha all the way across the oceans in Bellingham, WA.

It came in a Flintstones Pebbles cereal box - you can just see it in the top left corner - such great colours!  I love getting a little bit of packaging from another country.  It has its own little story to tell.  (Or one for me to completely invent, at any rate.)

goodies - all mine

Tucked in were some pretty scrummy Girl Scout cookies, some little transfers and the most lovely letter …

But really we should be looking at the quilt - the detail is wonderful, although my photos just can’t catch the butterfly quilting - you’ll just have to imagine it.

DQS10 - Butterfly Queen from Sam 2


‘Butterfly Queen’ - That’s me :)


I was so excited  that as soon as I saw there was a letter I decided to stop and savour the whole unwrapping, reading thing - so I went and made myself a lovely cup of coffee, cracked open the Girl Scout biscuits and sat in the sun to read my lovely letter. 


Thank you Samantha! Really. Thank you. 

The quilt has a perfect new home disguising that boring flat top of my scanner, which is right next to my desk.  So, I get to gaze at it while I’m working.  Perfect!

In other swap news - My Make Mine Modern Swap  parcel arrived for TinyHouse!  I was getting really worried as I posted it weeks ago …  but it did all make it … phew!

my swap to tiny house

I made my first ever potholder for this swap - that was good fun - I even used Insulbrite inside so it’s heat proof.  Get me, eh?

As it was my first real applique attempt I was a bit iffy about my sewing, but seeing it photographed safely at its destination I feel much better about the finished items.

So, there’s a little roundup of swappy news … I’ve got lots of other stuff to tell you, just no time to sit and tell it! Maybe tomorrow will be better …

…  now to try uploading with my mobile dongle, perched in the dying sun on the top step of my flat - all to catch one measly bar of signal !

Technology.  Gotta Love it.

Sunday, 10 April 2011

Berlin Baumwolle - Frau Tulpe


Okay, so now on to the serious business of fabric shopping in Berlin …

Frau Tulpe, Veteranenstr. 19


Look how tempting that window is … shall we take a peek inside??


There is a really great choice here … another tardis of a shop … Now, with the Euro so absolutely pants for the British pound I wasn’t really expecting anything to be affordable, but in fact it was about £1 less a metre than buying online.  But oh, so much more fun chooosing!


Frau Tulpe don’t only sell fabric and notions, they sell ready made bags and mini pouches and handbag fixings and tons of other such vital stuff.

They also stock a lot of Echino … cue warm glow/hot flush from being able to stroke it all … oh, and you can bet I did … I think the next photo’s out of focus cos my hands were shaking with anticipation of the furtive fondle.


They also had some wonderful nylon Echino, for making roll-up-into-nothing eco shopping bags.  Most excellent.  You can get hold of it in their online store (which is also pretty bloomin wonderful) along with some fantastic Echino bag patterns.


The ladies who work there are young and vital, extremely helpful and speak perfect English.  They also take non-Europified debit cards … uh-oh.

So, I bought this little stack of fillers … super quality …


… and this yummy stack of Echino linen prints along with one of their wonderful plains, in lime.


and then these amazing tiny iron-ons, which I’ve never seen anywhere before, and which may or may not appear in a little giveaway soon :


Oh yes.  I had a very good time. 
A very good time indeed. 

It was a lovely extra treat after having had such a great walk there.  

These are some of the things I passed on the way, from Hackescher Markt to Veteranenstr.

(click on any of the pics to go to my Berlin flickr collection)

P1020467 P1020499 P1020511
P1020494 P1020528 P1020501
P1020482 P1020496 P1020513

Birds nest in Hackescher Hof -  Memorial at Jewish cemetery Grosse Hamburgerstr.  - Apples 
Wonderful fabric in vintage shop - Great graffiti of the TV Tower - Tree in cemetery -
Camelias in Rosenthaler Hof - Fab mosaic on Grosse Hamburgerstr. - Bakery window

The only thing left to do was to sit in the glorious sunshine and enjoy the most fantastic raspberry tart & a triple shot latte at the Forum Cafe on Fehrbelliner Straße, 57 …


and take the odd sneaky peek at my purchases, natch ...


… tomorrow we might take in a bit of culture … what do you think?

Monday, 14 March 2011

Lily’s Quilts - Quiltalong - A Dresden Platter of Deliciousness

Lily's Quilts QAL

You all know Lynne at Lily’s Quilts, right?  My quilting crush on her started when she made this beautiful Penguin Books quilt for her very very lucky sister:

Then, there was this little beauty on the DQS10 swap on flickr (not just for the beauty of the quilt, which I absolutely adore, but also for the hours of hilarity in the discussion groups … you had to be there)

… and then most recently, Lynne made the fab Hexagon Park quilt for Moda Bake Shop, using Aneela Hoey’s fab Sherbet Pips:

Well, now that Lynne is practically quilting royalty the upside is that we have a wonderful QuiltAlong to take part in … see her post here and the Lily’s Quilts flickr group here

I’m s-o-o-o-o-o-o-o excited about this!

  • I’ve been dying to try a dresden plate for yonks
  • Each block is QAYG (Quilt as You Go) which I’ve also always wanted to do!
  • It’s the dreaded circle piecing & there’ll be plenty of people to hold my hand. 
  • Oh, and did you see that concentric circle quilting?  Yup, we’ll be doing that too!

I’m actually only going to do one block, as a mini quilt/cushion [pillow] cover or summat like that … but that’s just because I really don’t have the time to commit to a whole quilt at the moment …

I’ve also always wanted to do a colour wheel, so here are my fabric choices:  YAY!

Just what I need!  A little colour to take my mind off a stinking head cold and a generally grotty demeanour …

So, if you want to get involved pop on over to Lynne's blog or Lily’s Quilts on Flickr and come join in the fun!

ooooh ... and don't forget you have til midnight Tuesday (UK time) to enter my giveaway for some Flea Market Fancy  !!


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