Showing posts with label organised. Show all posts
Showing posts with label organised. Show all posts

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Sorted …

I’ve been pretty much offline most of the holidays because I really wanted to get on with some serious Spring Cleaning so that I can feel less guilty about stealing time to sew in the evenings once this very busy exam term gets underway. 

I started with my clothes and books and managed to charity shop a ton of stuff and cleaned and re-organised the rest.  Major good feeling.  I had got to that point where the clothes I wear most frequently were just on hangers round the flat (!) while a writhing tangled mess slumbered on in the chest of drawers.  Not anymore.  Oh no. Everything in its place. I’ll spare you the pics …

Then I moved on to the sitting room (which is where I sew too).

I cleaned and polished and then decided to sort my fabric scraps (woefully long work for such a small amount of scraps!) but good movie or three and some Ikea bags to the rescue and all is now bagged by colour group and solid/print … *sigh*


Originally the scraps filled four of these bins! Now only the blue one!  Yay!  (the grey one has my neutrals and the green one bits and bobs like offcuts of fusible batting etc.


 I also sorted some of my fabrics into projects – either WIPs (not many) or Great Ideas (tons!). 

They now rest in my pic-a-nic basket … ready for action …

IMG_3392 IMG_3390

Then I had to vacuum and dust all over again … my goodness those scraps generated a ton of lint/dust!
Finally, I reorganised my space to give me a little cutting and pressing area that was easy to access and use, while at the same time disappearing when not in use … not easy in my limited space … but … looky here!

This space (which is the top of a ghastly cupboard that I inherited with the flat and ONLY fits in this alcove!) gives me a pressing area, a cutting area and a mini design table! It works a treat.  btw this pic really makes me giggle because I wanted to make a big arrow out of blue paper and stick it on the wall, but didn’t have the time for such silliness. 

Today, while I was busy making an assault on my jam jar mountain, it was being used as a slumber area too …


I’ve finally made a start on my siblings together quilt … you can see some of the blocks in the collage above,  it's a WIP that started about a year ago!  ... but more of that another day, for it’s time to have a bath and get sorted for tomorrow … yes, it’s back to skool … actually I’m rather relieved, these hols have been utterly exhausting! (but very satisfying)

Have a good week peeps and see you soon …


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