
Showing posts with the label 3D Printing

OpenSCAD Module for Rounded Boxes

I got kind of tired of rewriting the same OpenSCAD code to build rounded boxes for things and messing up the minkowski sum math in the process, so I built a simple module to do it for me.  Usage is simple: include <rounded_case.scad> rounded_case(25, 25, 10, 2); The paramaters are: rounded_case(X, Y, Z, T, LID , LID_OFFSET ) Where: X, Y, Z : Inside dimensions of box T : Thickness of walls LID : optional, bool : true to also make a lid LID_OFFSET : optional :  how much smaller to make the "lip" of the lid that fits inside the top of the box The outside dimensions of the box will be the inside dimensions + 2 x T.   E.g. if the X dimension is 20mm, and T is 2mm, then the width of the box will be 24mm (20 + 2 + 2).   The example above will make a box that is 29mm x 29mm x 14mm (with the lid on) on the outside, and 25 x 25 x 10 on the inside. Get it here:  rounded_case.scad

Rebuilding the Jada Toys 2006 Camaro

We've had this cool inexpensive Jada Toys "2006 Camaro" R/C car for several years now. The batteries are worn out, the controller doesn't work well anymore and it had been relegated to just being a regular "toy car" for my four year old. I was cleaning my electronics bench yesterday and realized I probably had enough spare parts from my other R/C ventures to gut and rebuild the Camaro with more modern parts.  Sure, the parts probably cost more than the car did, but I already had them so why not? The first order of business was assessing whether the existing mechanisms in the car are serviceable at all.  After removing the 13  required screws to get the body off the chassis, we get a good view of the inside: The brushed motor / gear-differential assembly (right) are probably either usable as-is or not usable at all, so I decide to keep them intact and try just driving them with a brushed motor speed controller. The receiver / control c...