
Showing posts from April, 2007

The Winecoff Hotel

On December 7th, 1946 the Winecoff Hotel became the site of the worst hotel fire in US history, killing 119 people. The high loss of life was largely attributed to poor design of the hotel and directly resulted in a complete reworking of the national fire codes for hotels throughout the United States. Originally opened in 1913, the Winecoff is currently undergoing its third rennovation since the fire- this time to become a boutique hotel named "Hotel Ellis."

Atlanta Downtown Hotels


Sun-N-Fun 2007

I took Lima down to Clearwater, FL (KCLW) for Sun-N-Fun 2007. Now, I know what you're saying... "but K.C., isn't Sun-N-Fun in Lakeland?" Sure it is, but everyone flies to Lakeland! Seriously, though, my arrival into FL was going to be in the middle of the day Saturday, not during the arrival window for Sun-n-Fun. Likewise, my departure on Sunday would have to be too early to leave out of Lakeland - as the air shows wouldn't be over yet. So I usually find it more conducive to my plans to fly into Clearwater and rent a car instead. Besides, Clearwater has a beach! :) Static display pictures: Air show pictures: