Showing posts with label Book Review. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Book Review. Show all posts

09 June 2014

George is still here

George Hincapie is like the relative who came to visit and never left

How can I ever heal this broken heart if he keeps bringing up the same topic at the dinner table? That is why I won't be reading George's new book The Loyal Lieutenant. I shudder just to say those words in combination.

He is sort of like the Ex you don't want to hear from anymore. I am trying to be courteous to a man I once believed in, but that fool me twice thing kicks in before any other thought or interest allows me to hear more about George Hincapie.

I hate to pay good money to read another excuse book, but I ponder whether I am missing out on learning more real cycling history? I think I will have to take that chance.

I did read this, an interesting commentary piece on VeloNews by Steve Maxwell, June 9, 2014: Hincapie’s ‘Loyal Lieutenant’ rationalizes doping choices.

I also read this blog post by Fat Cyclist. Fatty says the things many of us think: Review, Part I: The Loyal Lieutenant, by George Hincapie.

Fatty wrote his Part I book review on June 5th, he hasn't written Part II yet, maybe because a topic that he states as being interesting to him, is still not a feel good topic. It leaves one feeling sort of empty, disillusioned and yes - peeved. Plus the subject won't go away because it feels like George is still in the guest room! Please leave.

George Hincapie has once again returned to Colorado this week to ride Ride the Rockies, that bucket-list of an event ride with six super mountain days of climbing. George carries on his nice lifestyle free to ride and write his history while enjoying the beautiful Colorado mountains with friends and a lot of followers.

What is the first impression you have when you look at this photo? Do you want hours of that same feeling? If the answer is yes, read the book. If your answer is no, read the two reviews above and forget the book.

Or better yet, grab your bike and train for the 2015 Ride the Rockies yourself. But if I ever hear you mutter the words (as George did about his doping administration experience), “I exited the bathroom a changed man. I felt completely at peace. […] This was a new me, one without limitations, and one without the deck stacked against him,” you are definitely not invited to dinner at my house. I fear you might never leave.

Related post by Pedal Dancer: 2014 Ride the Rockies Route