Claudette Roulo at the American Forces Press Service offers the below piece on Admiral Willaim H. McRaven at the Hero Summit.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 15, 2012 - The commander of U.S. Special Operations Command
said yesterday that a post-raid assessment concluded there is no evidence that
the Pakistani government knew the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden.
Navy Adm. William
H. McRaven told attendees at the Hero Summit that Pakistan wasn't informed of
the raid that led to the death of bin Laden because the initial assumption was
"How could they not know he was there?"
Senior leaders, he said, believed informing Pakistan about the raid in
advance would have put the mission at risk. McRaven said he doesn't believe the
Pakistani government knew bin Laden's whereabouts. "We have no intelligence that
indicates the Pakistanis knew he was there," he added.
McRaven, interviewed on stage by PBS' Charlie Rose, said there was never a
moment he doubted the raid would succeed. "We hand-picked the guys," he said.
"They were the best of the best, all across the board. They had extensive combat
experience, and consequently ... I was very confident."
Though bin Laden is dead, nonstate actors still present a threat, the admiral
"We've done a terrific job of taking care of the core of al- Qaida," McRaven
said. But, he added, "there's no such thing as a local problem anymore. ...
Everything in the world is connected." This interconnectedness means the future
of special operations lies in partnerships with other nations, he added.
"We understand ... to minimize the rise of violent extremism, you have to
create the conditions on the ground where people have good jobs, where there is
the rule of law, where there is stability [and] where there is good governance,"
he said. "We think, from a military standpoint, we can certainly help with the
security that will be required to help begin to build some of that
"The raids get all the media attention," he continued, "but the reality of
the matter is the bulk of what we do is building partner capacity and working
with host nations. I think that's the future of special operations."
The admiral said he recently returned from Afghanistan, where partnership
building is ongoing, and he feels the relationship is the best he's ever seen
it. The relationship between Afghans and their local, regional and national
governments is taking serious root, he said.
Afghanistan will be a better version of itself in 2014, McRaven said, noting
that the Afghan army is one of the most respected institutions in the
"It's an entirely different paradigm for the people of Afghanistan, but I'm
convinced we're on the right path," he said.
Note: The above DoD photo by Claudette Roulo show Navy Admiral McRaven on the right and PBS' Charlie Rose on the left.