In a nutshell . ..
It was in the autumn of 1997 when I discovered The Internet and found new resources and others who shared my passion for hand embroidery and vintage kitsch. At first, I began trading patterns as photo-copies. Then later, in order to use the patterns more easily, my husband developed a process for reprinting iron-on transfers at home. I sold my collections of vintage reprints on ebay under the user name *patternbee, from 1999 - 2005. My profile and feedback remain on the site.
The PatternBee Vintage Embroidery Shop was launched in early spring of 2005. My blog turkey feathers: homecraft & everyday adventures followed to introduce myself in the online craft community and to share my projects.
I launched PatternBee Embroidery on Etsy in December 2019. This shop offers a sampling of vintage patterns, sale items and specials. If there's a particular pattern you are searching for feel free to send me an Etsy convo.
*I am not affiliated with any other business or enterprise calling itself PatternBee.
This PatternBee website also serves as an archive for vintage needlework patterns, due in part, by the generosity of others who have contributed patterns with a shared desire to keep them in circulation for future generations to enjoy. To date, I am still collecting and stitching and run this little hobby biz out of the small room at the back of my house. I love hearing your "stitch stories" and seeing the things you are making with the vintage patterns. You all inspire me!