Showing posts with label kids crafting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kids crafting. Show all posts

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Self portraits

I'm very excited about today's finish.

I've been working with the children in Ella's class to create a class quilt.  They are all about 5 or 6 years old and are in their first year of school. (In Victoria, we call it 'Prep').

Prep quilt - detail

Each child was given a white fabric square with a smaller square drawn on (so I would have some seam allowance) and a selection of fabric markers.

I worked with them in small groups and told them to draw a picture of themselves with some things they liked.

Prep quilt - front

I am so thrilled with the result. I'm pretty sure they (and their teacher) will be too.

The back is a fun colourful fabric piece from IKEA.

Prep quilt - back

I've finished it off with a label and tied it all up with a pretty ribbon ... ready to be given on Monday morning!

Prep quilt - folded

I hope you've done something satisfying today too.

Andi xx

Sunday, January 2, 2011

A 2010 crafternoon

I have been remiss in not posting about a lovely (cr)afternoon spent with Bec and her daughter Sibby last week.

Bec and I shared in a super cheap fabric deal and we took the opportunity for a fabric hand-over and had a bit of a catch up!

me and bec

I didn't manage to get any shots of the kids but here's a bit of what we got up to:

Bec gave me Ella a divine vintage book with the most awesome illustrations.

sewing book

And she also gave me a vintage pillow case with the sweetest print on it.

vintage fabric

We played with lots of Hama Beads

hama beads

Ella did a bit of this:

mosaic butterfly

while the bigger kids did a bit of this


and just as Bec and Sib were leaving (and having a nibble on some walnuts), Bec mentioned making walnut shell boats ... so Ella and I did that too

wallnut shell boat

A lovely time had by all.
You can read about it at Bec's blog too!

Happy new year to all.

I hope you had a sparkly one!

Andi xx

Saturday, December 25, 2010

A new generation

I was basting a quilt this morning and my littlest one asked if she could help.

Ella basting

I suggested she put in some pins for me.

Ella basting 2

She found it quite tricky. Her little fingers are not quite adept enough to do the job.

Ella basting 3

But I'm glad she wants to be involved.

I must admit, I've been having little fantasies of never having to baste a quilt again. My little helper can do it for me.

Hope you and your families are having a lovely Christmas day.

Andi xx

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Feeling much better thanks!

Taking a couple of weeks to sort out my calendar, straighten up my house, spend some time with my family and get some serious stitching done has done no end of good for my mental health.

Thanks so much to everyone who got in touch to make sure I was OK. I really am! Totally and incredibly OK!!

In the past few weeks I have achieved a huge amount craft-wise. I probably have about 10 different posts to put together to show off my projects.

But I thought I'd start by showing off some crafting my kids have been doing ...

I'm a proud and happy mumma!

Back soon with some of my own crafting.

Have a great day.

Andi x

Friday, April 9, 2010

School holiday crafting

Tie-dyed t-shirts.
Thought the kids might enjoy getting involved ....

First, tie up your nice clean white t-shirts.
(The kids actually helped with this bit)

Dip half into the dye colour of choice

Give a bit of a stir every now and then

Once dyed, dip the other half in a second colour.

Admire the results

Untie those ties. (Not easy to do!!)

With a bit of help from Mum and Rosie

Soak in a salt bath

Hang on the line

Happy little people

Andi :-)