16 Jan 2013

stationery addicts anonymous, meeting #8: Femke

After a few weeks (weeks'? week's? I'm unsure which one is correct here) break, I am back with this week's meeting. This week, Femke of Deligted runs us through her three stationery staples. Thank you, Femke, for having the courage to step up and speak about your addiction :-)


Thanks Angela, for letting me be a part of the Stationery Addict Anonymous! Because I really need to admit that I’m a stationery addict. Always have been, always will be. My planner obsession is somewhat like Laurie’s, from Plannerisms!

Now, without further ado, my three biggest collections. I have to admit that my planner obsession will not be featured because it was too much of a mess to photograph!

 1. My pen collection. 

I don’t think you can be a stationery addict without having a pen collection. I keep them all on my desk and I use pretty much all of them.


And my favorite ones: 



2. My post it collection. 

I’m obsessed with post its. Not that I use them very often, but just looking at them is enough for me. 


These are my favorites: 


3. Washi/Masking tape 

Most recently I found the wonderful washi/making tapes.


And that’s not good because I’m addicted. It’s this bad that recently I bought 30 rolls of it during a sale of one of my favorite Dutch Stationery shops. 

I was going to sell some of it on Etsy, but I’m not sure yet.

Of course this is just a tiny bit of my stationery collection, which also includes notebooks, planners, folders and boxes, but that’s a whole different story ;-) 

Hope you liked my collection and thanks again, Angela for featuring me!


Thank you, Femke, for agreeing to be featured this week :-) Do you have a stationery addiction? Would you like to be featured one week? If so, please email me at paperlovestory @ outlook.com :-)


  1. You were right first time. Weeks' is the correct form of the plural possessive.

    1. Ah makes sense :) Will remember this for future reference, thank you :D x

  2. If the break is more than a week, then you need to use the plural "weeks" (essentially, the break belongs to more than one week) and so the apostrophe goes after the s! :)

    1. Confusing, but I think I get it! :) Why is English such a confusing language sometimes! x

  3. Nice collection! Thanks so much for sharing it!

  4. Can you ask where she got the terminal/airport post it notes?
    I would love to add some of those to my collection!!


    1. They are from a Dutch webshop called "What's in a bag". http://www.whatsinabag.nl/c-1853942/your-travels/ I'm sure she will work something out with you if you contact her! Tell her Femke send you :)
