

Panasonic Connect Sustainability

By reforming frontline operational processes,
we will reduce CO2 emissions and make effective use of resources.

We propose optimal work styles for all workplaces and
create a society where people can live with a sense of well-being.

By connecting with customers and providing innovation in their operations,
we will realize sustainability for the global environment
and well-being of each individual.

Change Work, Advance Society, Connect to Tomorrow.

Sustainability Report PDF


Sustainability through the provision of services to customers
Priority Area Policies

Sustainability through the provision of services to customers

Frontline operations are the places where issues arise, solutions are co-developed, and new value is created as a result.

Our hardware, software and solutions — everything we create is used at our customers' sites — bringing innovation to operations.
Furthermore, as a leading company in the supply chain management field, we are taking the supply chain that supports the lifeblood of society to the next stage.

We aim to realize a society and global environment where people and nature can coexist, and ensure well-being where each individual can live a vibrant life.

Panasonic Connect continues to take these frontline operations into the future together with our customers.

Priority Area Policies

Well-being in our workplaces

Because they are few, or because they are in a weak position:
Whatever the reason, we will not overlook any situation where individuals are not respected.
We will take a firm stance on human rights issues which cannot be compromised under any circumstance.

Each and every one of us with diverse perspectives, experiences, and values will work vigorously while putting our core values into practice. This will lead to the sustainable improvement of corporate value and the realization of our purpose.

Each employee makes the most of their individuality and maximizes their abilities.
Creating a healthy environment, making connections, and creating the future.
We will listen to the voices of those where we work and realize well-being for all.

Well-being in our workplaces

Environmental activities in our workplaces
Priority Area Policies

Environmental activities in our workplaces

In order to achieve both a better life and a sustainable global environment, the Panasonic Group works together with society to reduce its own CO2 emissions and expand the impact of various business activities that contribute to reducing CO2 in people's lives and businesses.

We are promoting "Panasonic GREEN IMPACT," which aims for carbon neutrality.

Based on the Group Environmental Policy, Panasonic Connect aims to reduce the environmental impact of the entire company's value chain by continuously reducing CO2 emissions at its own factories and providing environmentally friendly products and solutions to our customer.

Panasonic Group Sustainability Data Book

Priority Area Policies

Compliance & Governance

We will conduct all business activities in a fair and honest manner.

Compliance with domestic and international laws and regulations and the practice of corporate ethics are a matter of course, and for a better future, all employees must think autonomously about “what is the right thing to do as a good citizen” and practice integrity.

This is the only way for us, as members of society, to gain the trust of society.

In order to unify this desire across Panasonic Connect and engage in sustainability activities reliably and continuously, we will strive to take on challenges while incorporating the knowledge of external advisors.


Flexible and healthy corporate culture
Supporting all Corporate Activities

Flexible and healthy corporate culture

From a vertically divided and heavy organization to a flat and agile organization.

Interact freely and openly to speed up decision-making.
Empathize with others and take on the challenge of creating new value. Regardless of past successes, always drive change.

Everyone can raise their voice to problems and solve them as an organization.

The source of the growth potential and sustainability of the company is the power of our people.
A flexible and healthy corporate culture that respects diversity is the foundation for enhancing organizational capabilities and executing strategies.

Panasonic Connect's Sustainability Challenge


The entire Panasonic Group will achieve its own carbon neutrality and Panasonic Connect will actively work to reduce the environmental impact of its manufacturing.

Visualization of Sustainability Contributions

By utilizing connected products and solutions in customers' businesses, we will further contribute to decarbonization and well-being in our customers' operations.

Procurement Due Diligence

In order to confirm compliance with the guidelines formulated by the Panasonic Group, while assessing risks,we complete audits of procurement partners.

Employee Success

We aim for employee success to transform and grow and work energetically while practicing our core values to realize our purpose, and increase employee engagement and individual productivity.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

In a culture where no discrimination is tolerated, diversity is recognized, and psychological safety is ensured, we aim to create an environment where everyone can play an active role.

Legal Compliance

In addition to taking strict and speedy measures against harassment, we will promote a speak-up culture and build an environment where all employees can work with peace of mind.

Overview of Sustainability Initiatives

Overview of Sustainability Initiatives

Examples of sustainability initiatives - through the provision of services to customers


Reducing environmental impact by improving transportation efficiency

Sustainable Supply Chain Realized by "TMS"


Inflight entertainment solution that helps reduce aircraft fuel consumption

Inflight entertainment solution Astrova


Optimization of manufacturing sites

"Autonomous Factory"


Contribution to green purchasing initiatives throughout the value chain

"Let's note" and "TOUGHBOOK"


Improving the working environment of store staff

Work shift optimization solution "CYTIS Shift"

Reducing the workload forimmersive experiences

Reducing the workload for immersive experiences

High Brightness Projector "PT-RQ25K" Series

Examples of well-being initiatives - in our workplaces

Panasonic Connect's concept of well-being

Each individual working with determination will continuously improve corporate value
and lead to the realization of our purpose.

Panasonic Connect's concept of well-being


Creating an environment to work in a healthy mind and body


Creating a future with career ownership


Creating Connections

Examples of Initiatives - Compliance & Governance

コンプライアンス & ガバナンス

Board of Directors composed of a well-rounded, experienced and diverse team


Integrity practices / eradication of harassment


Procurement due diligence

Sustainability Management System

In April 2022, Panasonic Connect established the Sustainability Management Committee and the Sustainability Management Office to discuss strategies for promoting sustainability activities and ESG management. While incorporating the perspectives of external advisors, we plan and implement management strategies and measures to improve corporate value.

The Sustainability Management Committee is established under the direct control of the head office and discusses the sustainability goals and direction of initiatives for the entire company once a quarter. CEO Higuchi serves as the chairperson and CSO Harada serves as the vice-chairman, and the heads of all functions and all business divisions participate in the decision-making process for information collaboration and sustainability promotion in each department.

The Sustainability Management Office connects each business division and function horizontally to promote activities so that efforts in each division do not become silos and that sustainability initiatives throughout Panasonic Connect are leveled at a high standard.

Sustainability management system