Monday, May 20, 2013

Mother's Day 2013

This was my first Mother's Day in Austin, and it was definitely bitter-sweet.

Even if we were in Utah, I wouldn't have seen my Mom, but I definitely missed the traditional Mother's Day party with the in-laws. 

Yeah, you heard me right. 
My in-laws rock.  

However, the one thing that remained the same – I got spoiled!

So here's the thing. I'm kind of weird about getting store-bought presents...
I like it when someone buys me a gift on a random day, simply because they were thinking of me. However, I don't like it when someone buys me something on an obligatory holiday, such as Valentines Day, Christmas, or Anniversaries – I just feel like it's a waste of money. Generally speaking, if I want or need something, I just buy it. Luckily for my husband's wallet, I want and need very little. 

What I can't buy is a whole day with my loved ones just hanging out, laughing, and enjoying nature. 

What I can't buy is having everyone unplug from their iPods, phones, and computers to simply enjoy one another's company. 

What I can't buy is a 6-year old's handprint, or a coupon for hugs and kisses. 

What I can't buy is a website created just for me by my 12-year old. 

What I can't buy is a hand-written card from my 10-year old telling me that I "look young for my age". 

The gift of time is the most precious and important gift anyone can give to me (with the exception of chocolate). 

So yeah...

I got spoiled.

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