Monday, November 17, 2014

Words – Take 'em or Leave 'em

Our friends/neighbors paid my kids $20 to take care of their cute dogs for the weekend. We always offer to do it for free – but they always insist otherwise.  Last night, after 48 hours of playing and having fun with these cuties, I gave Olivia $10, and loved what she said in response...

"I can't believe I got paid to do something so fun. When I grow up I want my job to be something fun so it doesn't feel like it's a job".

Words that are wise beyond her years...I'll take it. 


This morning, Jeremy worked from home for the first time in months. After I showered and got dressed, we had the following discussion:

J: Where are you going all fancy?
M: where, just Walmart and the UPS Store...why do you ask?
J: Well, because you aren't in sweats.

Apparently I spend a lot of time in sweats (although I call them yoga pants to make myself feel better) and apparently I think Walmart is a fancy place. While I should be offended by his comment –I was excited that I looked "fancy" for once. I'll take it.


Later this evening, Olivia was speaking "baby talk" and saying words like "nay-kee", which was how she said "naked" when she was three. We reminisced for a bit about all the words she mispronounced, and had a good laugh. I told her I was sad that she was my last baby and I would never again hear silly baby words. She told me that I should just have another baby since my belly already looks like I'm having one. 

So...fine...yes, I've gained weight. Even while true (and pretty funny), I'm gonna have to "leave these words" and let them roll right off my back fat. 

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Race for the Cure

Each year Emma's dance team participates in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure

It was unusually cold for Austin, but we put on our coats and braved the weather. 

Emma slept over at Ruby's house so I picked them both up bright and early and we headed out.

They were super excited to get started.

We met the rest of the team and headed out.

4 miles later...

Love these two!

Thursday, November 06, 2014

Dentist Time

Dentist time!
Knowing that it will save us money in the long-run, as well as their teeth, we told the kids if they don't have any cavities until they are 18, we will give them $1000.

So far we have been cavity-free. 

Until today.

Emma was given the best grade for her brushing and flossing skills but was the only one with a cavity. She broke down crying right there. First, because she's a perfectionist, and secondly because she wanted that money. 

The dentist said that it wasn't a "usual" cavity and that it probably formed with an air pocket or no enamel, so it was unpreventable. 

So, we decided to pretend it never happened, and her cute (and white) smile came right back.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

I'm Fat, But I Found My Ring

For the last seven months, I've been looking for my wedding ring. I looked everywhere. I don't typically just set it down and not know where, but I feared that maybe I took it off in the car to put on lotion and it fell out or something. I kept having a nagging feeling that it was right under my nose and I would once again tear the house apart trying to find it. I even had dreams that I would find it in a random place 20 years from now.

Well, it being in a random place was certainly right. As I was organizing last night, I went to put in batteries into my label maker, and there was my ring. The ONE place I would never think to look. I know Olivia likes to play with it like it's a computer and she also has been known to take my ring. I of course asked her several times if she had seen my ring, and I know she was being truthful when answering – I just don't think she remembered.

Anyway, I guess it wasn't enough to have caused me all this pain for the last seven months, but she also had to add in one last jab...after we found the ring, Jeremy said "Well, I guess I can't hold this over your head anymore, because now you haven't lost anything". Olivia quickly responded, "well, she still needs to lose weight". Fortunately for her, I was still so happy about finding my ring that I didn't smack her. Such a little smarty pants.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Mother's Day 2013

This was my first Mother's Day in Austin, and it was definitely bitter-sweet.

Even if we were in Utah, I wouldn't have seen my Mom, but I definitely missed the traditional Mother's Day party with the in-laws. 

Yeah, you heard me right. 
My in-laws rock.  

However, the one thing that remained the same – I got spoiled!

So here's the thing. I'm kind of weird about getting store-bought presents...
I like it when someone buys me a gift on a random day, simply because they were thinking of me. However, I don't like it when someone buys me something on an obligatory holiday, such as Valentines Day, Christmas, or Anniversaries – I just feel like it's a waste of money. Generally speaking, if I want or need something, I just buy it. Luckily for my husband's wallet, I want and need very little. 

What I can't buy is a whole day with my loved ones just hanging out, laughing, and enjoying nature. 

What I can't buy is having everyone unplug from their iPods, phones, and computers to simply enjoy one another's company. 

What I can't buy is a 6-year old's handprint, or a coupon for hugs and kisses. 

What I can't buy is a website created just for me by my 12-year old. 

What I can't buy is a hand-written card from my 10-year old telling me that I "look young for my age". 

The gift of time is the most precious and important gift anyone can give to me (with the exception of chocolate). 

So yeah...

I got spoiled.

Thursday, May 02, 2013

Mother's Day Tea

Olivia and her entire Kinder class has been planning a 'Mother's Day Tea Party' for over a month. 

During that month, I woke up to Oliva asking me "How many more days until the Tea Party?"

Every. Single. Day.

Leave it to Murphy and his lame law to give her 104˚ fever just two days before the big event. 
No matter how much Advil or Tylenol I gave the poor kid – she just couldn't break the fever.

The first day, she pretty much slept the whole day. 


The second day, she was to adamant about going to the Tea Party the following morning, that she faked her way through the pain, and kept telling me she was fine. Yet, I kept catching her rocking baack and forth in the fetal position, while holding her head in pain.

*Insert broken heart here* 

Fortunately around 6:00 pm – her fever broke!

So...the "right" thing to do is to wait 24-hours before sending your kid back to school. 
However,  the "awesome" thing to do is to let your kid go to school to enjoy the event they have been anticipating for the last month.

Admittedly, it didn't hurt that it made me "The Best Mom Ever". 

The next morning, I arrived with my exclusive invitation and was escorted to my seat. 
I was then served a lovely breakfast complete with a croissant, fresh fruit, muffin, and orange juice.

I was then given a flower pot pen, as well as a coupon book. 
Additionally, I received a book of reasons why Olivia loves me. 
Apparently I give the best hugs and make the best muffins.

Don't be jealous.
Just sayin'...

After breakfast, the kids pampered their mom with manicures, pedicures, hair-do's, and makeovers.

I must say my nails have never looked so good! 

They also sang songs, recited poems, and showed us their amazing artwork.

I'm so glad she felt well enough to go to school!

I would also like to apologize to anyone who got sick because of my selfishness. 

If it makes you feel any better...look how freakin' cute we are!