Jedi Costumes
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Misc Costumes
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to Other Jedi

Volume 8

Zach sent it pics of his Jedi costume - nice job!

Lyndon sent in pictures from Halloween, saying, "Thanks to your web page and some of our own girlfriend was able to help me assemble a pretty good first attempt at making a Jedi costume. We made it for Halloween of 2002 because I wanted to dress up to hand out candy. All the kids understood what I was but most  of the parents were duds. See Pics....   We used your images as a guide an found suitable patterns at Wal Mart. Since I did not have any leather boots available I used cheep rubber fishing boots....looked ok for the money. We spent about $50 on the material and boots. My pants were old pleated Dockers and I used a turtleneck shirt for the Old Ben look.   My next plan is to purchase a mannequin to keep the costume on display in my rec room."

BargeBuilder sent in a pic of himself in Jedi costume:

Tom sent this picture of himself and his friends at Comic Con - great costumes! He says, "Han Solo-Jimmy Siokos, Leia-Christy Erkel and Myself Tom Phillips as Lando Calrissian".

Sara sent in these pics of the costumes she made for her husband and son - they're great! :-)

Rod-Wan Deattrod sent in pics of his Padawan costume:

Someone sent in their NJO Jedi costume and some info:

"I discovered your site the other day, and decided to submit pics of myself in costume as my Star wars RPG character, the Master Jedi Weaponmaster, Korath Lorren, an NJO era Jedi.  The costume itself includes a white, lace-up the front "pirate style" shirt, black pants (I wore black jeans for these pics), black knee-high moccassans, a black square cloak pleated into a Jedi outer tunic, and a black US Army issue dress web belt.  Attatched to the belt are two pouches, a Comm-Tech reader for a commlink, a mag-light and a Key-clip to clip the lightsaber.  I, with the help from a friend taking an Industrial Design Technology major, modified a Hasbro "Darth Vader" lightsaber, including adding three triangular quillions and dying the blade a deep red-purple.  The background and lightsaber effects were done in Adode Photoshop."

One of Ryley's parents sent in this pic of him as Obi-Wan. Great!

Here is Michael's Jedi costume:

Kevin in his Obi-Wan costume. Kevin is an elementary school teacher and his kids loved seeing him dressed as a Jedi for Halloween!

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All pictures, themes, and characters are copyright © Lucasfilm, Ltd. or their creators. All original work is protected by intellectual property laws. No copyright infringement is intended - copyrighted images are being used for costume study and research and is (hopefully) covered under the fair use clause of copyright law. Site design, graphics, and content is copyright © Maggie.