Showing posts with label What Grayson Wore. Show all posts

What Grayson Wore - February & March

My goodness gracious I am TERRIBLE at posting these. This child has already gone back to school for a new year and I'm still posting from February and March! My bad guys, my bad. I guess the only upside is that this could possibly be some good inspiration for the upcoming fall season? I mean, let's look on the bright side.

Sweater - H&M
T-Shirt - Gap Kids
Jeans - Osh Kosh

Button Down Shirt (undershirt) - Hand Me Down From Cousin Haik!
Jeans - Osh Kosh
Boots - Old Navy

Button Down Shirt - Another Hand Me Down :)
Jeans - Osh Kosh

Sweater - Gap Kids
Boots - Old Navy

Shirt - Christmas gift, no idea where it was from 
Jeans - Osh Kosh 
Shoes - Old Navy

Shirt - Target
Jeans - H&M

Shirt - Gap 
Jeans - H&M

What Grayson Wore - January

Well, now that school is actually out and it's JUNE, why don't we go ahead and talk about what Grayson wore way back in January? I mean seriously, guys...I'm kind of the worst. But, it is what it is - we all know I'm not the most consistent girl in town -  so let's just go for it and jump right in, mmk?

First of all, can we just talk about my tiny baby with his shaggy hair? He seems so old now, and I guarantee his new haircut a few days after this is what aged him so drastically. Anyhow. Here's the deets. Kinda. 
Shirt: Baby Gap
Jeans: Osh Kosh
Shoes: Old Navy

Shirt: Kohl's
Jeans: Old Navy
Shoes: Our reliable Converse Chuck Taylors

See? Just like that, he's a million years older. 
Shirts: Button Down - Hand Me Down from cousin :), Sweater - Resale Shop Find!
Jeans: Osh Kosh

Shirt: Old Navy
Jeans: Osh Kosh

Jeans: Osh Kosh

What Grayson Wore - November/December

Alright, if I'm going to keep up these "What Grayson Wore" posts, I'm going to have to get up like five minutes earlier and attempt to take some decent photos before I drop him off at preschool. These are so terrible I'm almost embarrassed to post them. But I guess I gotta work with what I've got! 

We didn't get much preschool in during November and December with being sick and holiday breaks, so I'm combining the two. Maybe I'll get all the way caught up during summer break, because I am sucking at staying on top of this! Anyhow, here's what Grayson wore last winter ;) 

Shirt - Circo, found at Target
Shirt - Old Navy
Sweater - H&M
Pants - Old Navy
Shoes - Toms
Shirt - Hand-me-down from his cousin ;) 
Shoes - Old Navy
This is what he wore for Santa photos & his Christmas program at school :)
Shirt - Cherokee, found at Target
Shoes - Old Navy
Sweater - Children's Place
Shoes - Old Navy