My goodness gracious I am TERRIBLE at posting these. This child has already gone back to school for a new year and I'm still posting from February and March! My bad guys, my bad. I guess the only upside is that this could possibly be some good inspiration for the upcoming fall season? I mean, let's look on the bright side.
Sweater - H&M
T-Shirt - Gap Kids
Jeans - Osh Kosh
Shoes - Navy Canvas Tiny Toms
Button Down Shirt (undershirt) - Hand Me Down From Cousin Haik!
Sweater - The Children's Place
Jeans - Osh Kosh
Boots - Old Navy
Button Down Shirt - Another Hand Me Down :)
Jeans - Osh Kosh
Shoes - Converse Chuck Taylor All Stars
Sweater - Gap Kids
Jeans - The Children's Place
Boots - Old Navy
Shirt - Christmas gift, no idea where it was from
Jeans - Osh Kosh
Shoes - Old Navy
Shirt - Target
Jeans - H&M
Shoes - Navy Canvas Tiny Toms
Shirt - Gap
Jeans - H&M
Shoes - Navy Canvas Tiny Toms