We have been in the midst of planting field corn and soybeans here on the farm. I always fall into a different state of mind when we plant crops, have crops in the ground and harvest the crops. My passion for agriculture tends to grow more and more each spring.
Along with my
From April to November, there's a lot of hope.
When we want in the fields, we
hope it doesn't rain.
Once we get in the fields, we
hope the equipment runs smoothly.
Once seed is in the ground, we
hope it does rain and we
hope it doesn't frost (or snow).
hope it rains enough and not too much.
When it storms, we
hope it doesn't hail or we
hope the wind doesn't blow too hard.
hope it's warm but not too warm.
During harvest, we
hope the rain holds off until all the crops are out.
We continue to
hope the equipment once again runs smoothly.
hope for safety.
hope that we are doing all the right things so that our land is fertile for next year and years to come.
hope the commodity prices are in our favor so we can pay operation bills so we can break even and maybe even make a little extra.
hope that someday, we will have the opportunity to rent more ground.
hope that we would be making our ancestors proud.
Hope, in agriculture, is just as important as soil, water and air.
Hope is more important than money.
You can buy the best equipment, the most ground and operate a nice grain facility but if you lack
hope, you're going to fall.
Hope in agriculture
is something that money can't buy. It's something you're born with.
Hope lies deep within your passion and love for the industry.
Hope is what will carry you through the hard times and it will carry you through the good times.
It's not something that can be put in a will, or forced upon someone, but
hope is something that can pass through generation to generation.
Hope is a choice but it's a choice your heart makes; not your mind.
I wake up every morning and I see the
hope in my husband's eyes. It's what drives my
Hope allows us to dream. It allows us to follow our passion. It allows us to believe in ourselves.
hope, we wouldn't have soil, we'd have dirt.
We wouldn't have a passion, we'd have a job.
It's a word you can't see but you can feel it.
Even when everything seems to be going wrong, there is always
hope to make everything right.
The only thing I don't have to
hope for is
hoping we are where we're suppose to be.