Recently over the holidays, I participated in a country wide blogger gift exchange called Christmas in the Country. I enjoyed it last year and thought it would be fun to do again this year. Ag bloggers are matched up with a "secret santa" and mail a package of goodies for Christmas. We are given a list of our match's hobbies and favorite things. Everyone tries to find things that not only represent the area where they are from but items their match would enjoy.
I was paired up as Jenn from The South Dakota Cowgirl's secret santa. I sent her a candle and tarts locally poured by a good friend, an antique mason jar found on our farm, some Albanese gummy worms, Amish popcorn and caramel corn along with a set of my famous Rustic Christmas Ornaments. I am sad to say I also bought her some chocolate from the South Bend Chocolate Factory but found those in my vehicle after the package went out. Sorry, Jenn!
I anxiously waited as many of many of my blog friends posted pictures of their packages. It was kind of fun coming home from work every night to see if I could find out who my secret Santa was! Then one Saturday afternoon, after a long day of work, I pull up the drive....... and there sits on my front porch, a package from.............. HAWAII.