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Limericks on hoary marmot

Limerick #129211 hoary marmot
Hoary marmot ("the whistler") — who'd harm it?
Morning sunbathing — who would alarm it?
Home at high elevation
(Half a year's hibernation);
Golden eagles would happily farm it.
Living in the US Pacific Northwest, generally in sites 2500m (8,000 feet) or more above sea-level, and at lower elevations as well in British Columbia and Alaska, North America's largest ground squirrel (a relative of the prairie dog and woodchuck) has an idyllic life. An herbivore, it emerges to survey the views while dining on vegetation, and spends its morning sun-bathing on the rocks. It avoids the inhospitable part of the year by hibernating in communal well-hidden burrows for seven months. The downside is provided by predatory golden eagles; unfortunately, its characteristic high-pitched alarm call (underlying nicknames like "whistle-pig") does not give complete protection when dangers are present.