Welcome to The OEDILF, our online limerictionary!

Our primary goal in compiling this dictionary is to write at least one limerick for each meaning of each and every word in the English language. Our best limericks will clearly define their words in a humorous or interesting way, although some may provide more entertainment than definition, or vice versa.

As an international writing project, our limericks often use local spellings, grammar, punctuation, and rhymes that may not be familiar to all. Please keep in mind that what may at first look like an error is more likely to be an appropriate regionalism, correct according to the standards of the writer's homeland.

Opinions expressed in our limericks are those of the individual authors and/or the fictional characters in their writing and do not necessarily reflect those of The OEDILF or its editors.

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appressed, adpressed by Giri (Limerick #129219)
In the lift, we're appressed close together,
And I wonder uneasily whether
She can smell my bad breath.
Here's a fate worse than death.
I was stressed—at the end of my tether.

all of a sudden, on a sudden by Giri (Limerick #129218)
Out of nowhere, that happened! A thud 'n'
A thump. On the floor there was blood 'n'
Gore splattered. The sight
Was a proof of the plight
He was privy to all of a sudden.

hold someone in high regard, hold someone in high esteem, hold in high regard, hold in high esteem, have high regard for someone, have high esteem for someone, have a high regard for someone by Duncan Stevens (Limerick #129216)
Your good works and accomplishments I regard
Fondly, with what-a-great-guy regard.
All your attributes rock—
Off you're knocking each sock;
That's to say that I hold you in high regard.
hold someone in high regard: to have respect or admiration for someone

hold promise, have promise by Duncan Stevens (Limerick #129215)
"We want peace" is the horn Russia's tootin'—
Will they really stand down and stop shootin',
And no longer bomb us?
That notion holds promise,
But we're skeptical—proof's in the Putin.
hold promise: to offer a potential for success

As of this writing in November 2023, war between Russia and Ukraine (a war initiated by Russia) has been ongoing for nearly two years, and Ukraine's government has refused to entertain settlement discussions, pointing to Vladimir Putin's past broken promises and arguing that he is untrustworthy.

hold an opinion, have an opinion by Duncan Stevens (Limerick #129214)
"Did that voting-machine firm, Dominion
Rig totals? Let's get the real skinny in."
"I can't say! I dunno!
I've been told to lie low,
Be agnostic. I hold no opinion."
hold an opinion: to have and express a viewpoint

In the wake of the 2020 U.S. election, various hosts and guests on the Fox News cable network asserted that Dominion Voting Systems, maker of machines for registering and tabulating votes, had caused or facilitated election fraud in favor of Joe Biden. Those claims were soon debunked, and Dominion sued Fox News for defamation, ultimately obtaining a $787.5 million settlement. Once the lawsuit was filed, Fox News began abruptly cutting off guests (including Donald Trump himself) who began to air election-fraud conspiracy theories.

hold up by Duncan Stevens (Limerick #129213)
On Tom's tale we watched slick lawyers sup.
Tom: "Did everything right—really! yup!—
In erecting that arch!"
Built in Feb; fell in March.
Neither bridge nor avowal held up.
hold up: to endure; to remain intact
hold up: to remain valid or plausible

horizontal dance, horizontal jog by Duncan Stevens (Limerick #129212)
That's my cliff-scaling paramour, Chantal—
She's a lass that no precipice daunt'll.
Roped together, we race
Up a vertical face—
At the top, start a dance horizontal.
horizontal dance: sexual intercourse

hoary marmot, Marmota caligota by Giorgio Coniglio (Limerick #129211)
Hoary marmot ("the whistler") — who'd harm it?
Morning sunbathing — who would alarm it?
Home at high elevation
(Half a year's hibernation);
Golden eagles would happily farm it.
Living in the US Pacific Northwest, generally in sites 2500m (8,000 feet) or more above sea-level, and at lower elevations as well in British Columbia and Alaska, North America's largest ground squirrel (a relative of the prairie dog and woodchuck) has an idyllic life. An herbivore, it emerges to survey the views while dining on vegetation, and spends its morning sun-bathing on the rocks. It avoids the inhospitable part of the year by hibernating in communal well-hidden burrows for seven months. The downside is provided by predatory golden eagles; unfortunately, its characteristic high-pitched alarm call (underlying nicknames like "whistle-pig") does not give complete protection when dangers are present.

equivalent by Giorgio Coniglio (Limerick #129209)
Giorgio's parallel list (that's eponymous),
With equivalent words to synonymous:
Identical, equal
(Tune in for the sequel); *
Doppelganger's a copy autonomous.
* Same, analogous, peer,
Mirror, replica(-near);

It's unanimous — leave it anonymous!

The doppelganger is discussed further here.

hypotenuse by Daniel Galef (Limerick #129206)
"Diagonal length I compute
By my method you cannot refute!"
With a theorem to stagger us,
"Square each leg," says Pythagoras.
"The answer's the legs' squares' sum's root."

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