Grade(s): 4-11
Areas of focus: test taking strategies, math review, math individual topics focus, reading comprehension concept review, reading comprehension strategies, and full mock exams practice
Service available in: Seattle, Renton, Bellevue, Kirkland and Newcastle
Date and Time of Availability: To be determined based on availability
Cost/Hourly rates: Please contact us for more information
NorthStar Tutoring Services' ISEE/SSAT program is tailored to each individual taking the course. The course focuses on helping students with test familiarity, test taking strategies, filling in any gap in knowledge, post course preparation, and learning an effective way to prepare for the exam. This is the most comprehensive and scientific preparation course for the ISEE/SSAT to date. The curriculum is designed for one-on-one mentoring; however, we permit up to a ratio of 3 students to 1 tutor, given the correct circumstances. NorthStar Tutoring Services reserves the right to deny any grouping of students if the company's personnel determined that not all students are at the same level (knowledge and/or maturity) in that certain group. Please read further to learn more about our program.
The ISEE is an admission test for private schools that has three levels: Lower, Middle, and Upper. The Lower Level exam is for 4th and 5th graders entering grades 6 and 7. The Middle Level 6th and 7th graders who are entering grades 7 and 8. The Upper Level is for students in grades 8 through 11 who are applying for grades 9 through 12. The ISEE has different forms at each level for security purposes.
The Secondary School Admission Test (SSAT) is a standardized test that many students applying to private or independent schools take as part of the admissions process. The exam is 2 hour and 35 minute long and includes three main sections: verbal, quantitative, and reading comprehension. The SSAT also includes an unscored writing sample, which will be sent with the score report to the school the student intends to apply to.
Although the two exams are different, at NorthStar Tutoring Services our approach for the ISEE and SSAT are very similar. We cover all facets of the test to enhance the student's abilities and scores. Students must be prepared to work with us on strategies, foundation materials covered on the exams, practice mock exams, and test familiarity. This is all part of improving and maximizing each student's abilities.
The best time to prepare for this exam is roughly 4-6 months prior to the exam date. "Cramming" for this exam will yield poor results; it takes dedication and commitment so that each student can reach his/her full potential.
NorthStar Tutoring Services offer the course in a one-on-one setting, where the student isn't hesitant to ask questions. This has proven to be one of the most important factor as to why student may learn the materials better and hence, perform better on the exam. Another aspect that's unique about our course is the follow up after the course; we assign post course work to ensure students gets enough practice in areas of strategies, basic knowledge, and exam layouts. NorthStar ensures that the course is tailored to each individual, and not the other way around. The course focuses on strategies, applications, foundation knowledge, full mock exams, and repetition; these five elements are the key to success.
NorthStar Tutoring Services offers ISEE/SSAT courses year-round and students can sign up any time during the year provided there's enough time for adequate preparation.
Have more questions regarding the ISEE or SSAT course? Please call us directly at 206-779-2934 or email for a consultation!
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Math (K-12)
Reading (K-8)
Writing (K-8)
SAT Subjects
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