I too am not an American (unfortunately), but supporting Trump is not just an American imperative, it's a matter for a better world. Making America great helps it's allies. It hinders the enemies of liberty and justice. From the outside I can say America is not perfect, but it's a lot closer than anything else the world has seen (Jesus aside). So it is imperative that Americans vote to reclaim what the Constitution intended and not let it continue to be deliberately eroded away by those who seek to change America's destiny to socialism, from those who seek to profit from it's downfall, from those who have been told lies about America and now have fused them into their distorted worldview. An imperfect America walking in the right direction is better than an imperfect America sprinting in the wrong direction. Every single day.
Please vote Trump, while you still have the opportunity to tell your children you did not allow America to succumb to the tyranny of the state. America's time may come in some distant future, but it must not be this day, and for the reason of apathy.
By the way, there are a hundred reasons to vote for Trump. But when you are doing so, please remember, vote Republican for senate, for congress, for any other office or proposition that is on your ballot.
As an enthusiast of America, as a believer in America I implore you, please go vote Trump today if you have not already done so.