Blog: #graphics

These are the 40 blog posts about producing images on computers:

15 May 2022:

Cairo in Jupyter, better  also: #jupyter

19 Apr 2021:

Shazam for fractals?  also: #math

5 Dec 2020:

Favicons with ImageMagick

27 Jan 2019:

Drawing Cairo SVG in a Jupyter notebook  also: #jupyter

26 Jan 2014:

SVG figures with Cupid  also: #my-code

10 Feb 2010:


28 Dec 2009:

SSAO JS Snowman WTF?  also: #css #javascript

17 Nov 2009:

Ditaa: DIagrams Through Ascii Art  also: #hacks

10 Nov 2009:

Left vs. right, diagrammed  also: #politics

31 Aug 2009:

PNG optimization  also: #web

31 Dec 2008:

Structure Synth and Sunflow  also: #art #math

25 Jun 2008:

Spore creature creator and steganography  also: #security #video-games

7 Jun 2008:

Photoshop blend mode math  also: #math

25 May 2008:

Ratatouille and Pixar technology  also: #animation #movies

4 Mar 2008:

You suck at photoshop  also: #online

30 Jan 2008:

Truly transparent text with PIL  also: #how-to #python

7 Jan 2008:

Bob Staake: Photoshop 3.0  also: #art #tools

26 Dec 2007:

Asymptote  also: #math

6 Dec 2007:

Extracting JPGs from PDFs  also: #how-to #pdf #python

1 Oct 2007:

Histogram as image

19 Sep 2007:

Django favicon  also: #django

15 Sep 2007:

Gimp gradient files  also: #my-code #python

26 Jan 2006:

Quick PIL tip  also: #python

4 Nov 2005:

Image file formats

30 Aug 2005:

Mapwing  also: #walking

5 Jun 2005:

Quick links: contraption, real life, easter egg, shufflehacks, lightsaber  also: #lego #quick-links #star-wars

6 May 2005:

Quick links: fade, logos, comic, colourlovers, edit, png  also: #css #color #design #javascript #quick-links #web

4 May 2005:


4 May 2005:

Wobbly windows

28 Jan 2005:

Inkscape  also: #tools

6 Nov 2004:

Quick links: Subway, Purple, Cars, Moon, Textures  also: #cars #maps #movies #quick-links #space

17 Mar 2004:

ArtRage  also: #tools

1 Mar 2004:

A pixel is not a little square

13 Dec 2003:


4 Sep 2003:

Processing  also: #art #programming-languages

19 Apr 2003:


13 Mar 2003:

Boring3D  also: #blogs

21 Sep 2002:

256bytes demos archive  also: #hacks

9 Sep 2002:

stereopsis  also: #blogs

2 Jun 2002:


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