The Natural Child Nature Moms Nature Moms Nature Moms Nature Moms Nature Moms Nature Moms Nature Moms Nature Moms Nature Moms Nature Moms Nature Moms Nature Moms Nature Moms Nature Moms Nature Moms Nature Moms Nature Moms Nature Moms Nature Moms Nature Moms Nature Moms
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The Natural Child

The Natural ChildThe foundation for good health starts with children, so it is very important for parents to bring their children up naturally. Nature has provided us with everything they need including and abundance of fresh air for them to breath in deeply while they play and an abundance of natural cures for their little aches and pains.

Juliette de Bairacli Levy says in her book Nature's Children "At the heart of all, for Nature children, there will always remain a core of love for natural life, for the fresh vegetables and fruits and whole grains, for the sun and the rain, the moon and the wind, for snow – and for beautiful things in general, because their bodies and minds were formed out of such things when in the mother’s womb and in infancy and childhood.”

So what can you do to raise your child more naturally? Here are some issues to consider:

* Natural Childbirth

* Extended Breastfeeding

* Cloth Diapers or Elimination Communication

* Natural Toys

* Natural and Organic Care Products

* Natural Fibers and Organic Clothing, Diapers, and Bedding

* A Diet of Organic and Whole Foods

* Plenty of Exercise and Fresh AirEarthways: Simple Environmental Activities for Young Children

In addition to natural health issues there are also ways to parent or raise your children that more natural or instinctive. Here are some issues to consider:

* Attachment Parenting

* Parenting Peacefully

* Baby Wearing

* Consensual Living

* Homeschooling


Last Child in the WoodsThe Last Child in the Woods - Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder  - Today's kids are increasingly disconnected from the natural world, says child advocacy expert Louv (Childhood's Future; Fatherlove; etc.), even as research shows that "thoughtful exposure of youngsters to nature can... be a powerful form of therapy for attention-deficit disorder and other maladies." Instead of passing summer months hiking, swimming and telling stories around the campfire, children these days are more likely to attend computer camps or weight-loss camps: as a result, Louv says, they've come to think of nature as more of an abstraction than a reality.

Our Pick: Hammer Balls by Plan Toys

 Hammer Balls

Natural Child Articles:

Homemade Baby Food

Creating A Children's Garden

Complete Homeschool Guide & Resource

The Dangers of Borax

Natural Toys

Play Dough Recipes

Children Raising Farm Animals

Attachment Parenting

Healthy Organic Snack Ideas for Kids

Developing Discipline Without Yelling, Spanking, Nagging, or Time Outs!

Raising Eco-Friendly Children

Why Use Cloth Diapers?

Baby Sign Language

Childproof Your Home - Get Rid of Poisons

Wearing Your Baby in a Sling

5 Ways to Gets Kids involved in Gardening

Co-sleeping With Toddlers


Natural Remedies for ADHD and ADD

Laptop Lunches

Eco Friendly Birthday Party

Nature Deficit Disorder

Lunch Lessons

The Healthiest Kids

Nutrition at School

All Natural Easter and Egg Dying

Natural Toothpaste for Children

Follow Your Own Parenting Instincts

Can Natural Parenting Be Learned?

Keep Halloween Healthy

Eco Friendly Easter

When Your Parenting Style Goes Against the Grain

BPA Free Plates, Cups, Bowls, and Utensils

Natural Learning

BPA Free Pacifiers and Teethers

The Better Behavior Wheel

Helping Teens Go Green