Showing posts with label Feathers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Feathers. Show all posts

Monday, September 19, 2011

September Manis

Pastel Palm Trees

So I am still stuck on summer. I wanted to do a fall design, but ended up with a rainbow on my nails instead =P and I decided to mute it down and add palm trees. This time, instead of a black striping art polish, I used acrylic paint and a stiper brush and another small, short brush. I think they came out better this time, for the most part. :)

For the background of this design, starting at the top, I used:
China Glaze - Sun Worshiper (orange)
Sinful Colors - 24/7 (pink)
Sally Hansen - Lightning (yellow)
Zoya - Mitzi (green)
Sinful Colors - Gorgeous (teal with some craft glitter on top)
China Glaze - The Ten Man (muting silver glitter color)

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