Showing posts with label Starters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Starters. Show all posts

Monday, 28 October 2013

Red pepper Soup With Chorizo balls

I canot take credit for making this soup as I didn't make them.
Shyama made this for us when she did a dinner party.
From the time she started doing her one month summer job, she has this tradition in spetember ( as it is the month of August she works)  that she make a whole dinner for us, and gradparents.
This time she invited her grandfather , Niece, a uncle and a aunt.
And the kitchen was taken over by her and I was sitting like a punished one in the sofa hearing her preparing the whole dinner and she even didn't allow me inside the kitchen.
She didn't even show me the recipe .

And while I was just hanging around all this delicious aroma was comming from my kitchen and then when she was frying the chorizo balls the aroma was so yummy I went and peeped and she threw me out :-) but then she came with 2 balls for me to taste.
The balls were so delicious that while she was not in the kitchen I went and stole a ball again :-)

She made this soup for starter , then Enchiladas for main and for dessert she did flan.
All by herself.

The soup tasted so good and the balls in the soup is just to die for it is so delicious, so as we had soup left over I took pictures next day keeping in mind that I can blog this delicious soup.
The recipe is from a Flemish chef called Jeroen Meus.

Recipe Courtsey Dagelijkse kost: met Jeroen Meus
Ingridients for the soup:

2 liters chicken stock
5 red peppers
2 onions
1 clove of garlic
3 tablespoons butter
• 1 tablespoon curry powder
2 dl white wine
1 bouquet garni (bay leaf, fresh thyme, parsley steal) instead of making them you can buy them too.
• 100 g cream cheese with herbs
• 1 teaspoon paprika

For the chorizo ​​balls:

• 250 g chicken breast
1 egg
• 100g breadcrumbs
• 100g chorizo
1 knob of butter
Make the soup:

Peel the onions and chop coarsely .Halve the peppers and remove  the seeds and slice them rough.
Cut the vegetables coarsely .Melt a knob of butter in a large pot , over medium heat . Sauté the onion pieces and bell pepper in  butter until they are almost cooked . Stir frequently in the pot .Add the curry powder and paprika . Stir, and pour (optionally ) some white wine. Let everything simmer . Make a bouquet garni of some bay leaves , sprigs of fresh thyme and ( if available ) parsley steal . Ties it all together with a little kitchen twine . Pour the chicken stock to the vegetables . Let everything simmer on a low heat for 20 to 30 minutes . Remove the bouquet garni from the pot and mix the soup smooth with a hand blender .Strain the soup . Add the cream cheese and mix the soup a bit .
Season the soup with salt and pepper mill .

For the chorizo ​​balls :Add the chorozo and the chicken pieces in a food processor and mince it .Remove the mix into a bowl and add the egg and (part of ) the breadcrumbs . Add a pinch of salt and some a bit of freshly ground pepper..Knead all ingredients until smooth meat mixture . Make sure the mixture is not too wet , nor too dry . If necessary, add more breadcrumbs .Roll balls of the meat mixture , and place on a large plate or bowl .
Balls with a diameter of about 1.5 cm are perfect. Heat a knob of butter in a frying pan. Fry the balls until they have a golden brown crust . Inside, they do not have to be cooked.Put the balls (without drippings ) in the soup . Let the soup simmer a few minutes until the chorizo ​​meatballs are cooked through.The soup is ready to serve.

Monday, 14 October 2013

Ham Mousse With Red Pepper Salsa

I don't remember anymore when I made this , what I know is it was made for a party, it could have been a birthday party as when it is a B'day party I go the whole way, make dishes which are very special ( the ones you usually don't make) .
So ofcourse I would have decided what I am going to make for the party atleast a week before and as always I am excited when I make dishes which I have never tried.
The recipe is from Michel Roux The Collection I knew when I decided on this recipe that it will be super yumm as I have tried couple of the recipe in the book and it is always Delicious plus it always makes me feel why should I go out for eating it I myself can prepare something plus when I make at home I am 100 % sure that I am using quality ingridients etc....
This is what Michel Roux had written about this dish, "This simple, tasty mousee is ustic yet sophisticated - a real gourment dish.
Plus point or making this dish for a party is you can prepare the mousse the day before theparty;
I served them as a starter.

3 1/2 sheets of gelatine leaf
350 ml veloute sauce.
1 tsp paprika powder
800 ml whipping cream
350 gm good quality unsmoked cooked ham, diced
salt and freshly ground pepper
3/4 tsp cayenne
50 ml dry sherry

To Serve 16 small asperagus spears
handfull of radicchio leafs
few drops of lemon juice to taste

Veloute Sauce: (Makes 1 litre )
30 gm butter
30 gm plain flour , sifted
1 lite of chickenstock
salt and freshly ground pepper

First make the white roux.
Melt the butter in a heavy pan. Off the heat add the flour and stir in with a whisk.
Return to a madium heat and cook for 3 minutes, stirring continuously.
Pour the cold chicken stock on to the roux, stirring all the time, then cook the sauce over a low heat for about 30 minutes, stirring occasionaly with a whisk.
Season with pepper and salt to taste.

Red pepper Salsa :
4 red peppers ( capsicum)
Groudnut oil , to oil
2 small yellow peppers
2 small shllots finley chopped
2 small thyme sprigs, leaves only chopped
10 to 12 basil leaves, snipped
salt and freshly dround pepper to taste
125 ml olive oil
Juice of 2 lemons.

Using you fingertips, rub the peppers very lightly with oil. Grill them ( I did in the oven) untill the skins are blistered and backened.
Remove the skin from the peppers ( they will be hot so take care of your hands)
Halve the peppers, remove the core and scrape out the seeds and white membrane.
Dice  the peppers finley as possible and you can keep few slices in long strips if you like .
Add the shallots , thyme and basil to a bowl with the peppers , season with salt and pepper and stir in the oilive oil and lemon juice.
Mix carefully, taste and adjust the seasoning.
You can serve this salsa immedietly or cover with cling film and keep in the fridge for upto 48 hours?
If you have left over salsa you can use them with pasta too.

Making the mousse:

Soften the gelatine leaves in cold water .
Slowly heat the veloute sauce untill it just reaches simmer, then take the pan off the heat.
Throughly drain the gelatine leaves and add them to the sauce, together with the paprike.
Whisk trhoughlyuntill the gelating has melted.
Leave to cool at room temperature, stirring with a whisk time to time.

Whip the cream to a ribbon consistancy.
Put the dices ham into a food processor and whiz for 1 minuten then add the veloute and process for 2 to 3 minutes to make a smooth paste.

Gently foild the whipped cream into the mixture, with a spatual.
Season with salt and add the cayenne, then gently mix in the sherry, avoid over working the mousees. Taste and adjust the seasoning with pepper./
Scrape the mousse into a dish, cover the surface with cling film to prevent oxidation, then refrigirate.
( I made the mousse the day before)
Take the Ham mousse out of the fridge 20 minutes before serving.
Peal the ends of the asperagus spears, halve lengthways and blanch lightly, drain throughly.
Dress the radicchion simply with few drops of lemon juice. Shape the mousse into quenelles  ( I did ball using a ice cream scoper), allowing 1 to 2 quenelles per person and place on a serving plate.
Arrange the radicchio leaves, asperagus on the plates.
Spoon a little red pepper salsa over the ham mousse and serve with toasted bread slices.