Showing posts with label C-. Show all posts
Showing posts with label C-. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Guinness & Co - Guinness Black Lager

Serving Type: 11.2 oz. bottle, poured into a plastic cup

Using the roasted malts found in the traditional Guinness beer, the brewer recently released the Guinness Black Lager employing lager brewing methods and traditional lager hops. The beer pours a dark brown body, deep in color like a regular Guinness, but without the nitro consistency. It features a ruby inner glow and is topped by a light foamy head colored in tan and moderate in size. The head retention is average and leaves light lacing as it recedes. The nose is tight and distinctly lagery with a minor hoppiness. It has a slight Pilsner-like aroma with the addition of toasted grains. Roasted barley is clearly present, but seem modest in their potency and modest overall.

The mouthfeel is quite crisp with plenty a carbonation. Toasted malts are comparable to a modest brown or red ale, falling far short of even the traditional Guinness. Lager notes are prominent and meet almost no smoke at all. Modest caramel notes provide some sweetness through the tight carbonation. Hopping is very minimal. The lager is sweet and crisp with nice color, but it lacks the punch of a solid black lager. It is certainly drinkable and perhaps even a bit adventurous, for the unadventurous.

Final Verdict: C-

Friday, February 25, 2011

Blue Point Brewing Company - Blueberry Ale

Purchased From: Harvest Fine Wines & Spirits
Serving Type: 12 oz. twist-off bottle, poured into a pint glass

About a day before I reviewed this beer, when I was looking in the refrigerator to survey my reviewable beer supply, I noticed this bottle. While stocking up last week I grabbed two Blue Point beers that I hadn't had, not really paying attention to what I was grabbing. When I saw this bottle sitting there, I woed my decision. "Why did I buy another fruit beer?" Before reviewing it, I resolved myself to give it a fair shake. Reminding myself, there are good fruit beers out there. Why not this one?

The beer pours a light yellowy straw with a fizzy white head. The foam has a very slight bluish tint around the edges. The head retention and lacing are both minimal. Big blueberry nose. There's a very mild spice and a sweetness that reminds me of blueberry pie filling. There's a bit of artificial aroma, likening this more to a canned Musselman's filling rather than the real deal.

The malts are thin with high carbonation. Both pale in comparison to the standout blueberry. The beer is sweet, but not cloying. The blueberry is persistent, but luckily, it is somewhat understated. The artificial tinge steps in late, but isn't at the heights I've had in other flavored beers.

Final Verdict: C-

This is another beer I had some trouble giving a rating. To be honest, I didn't hate it, but I wouldn't drink it again if given almost any other option. The blueberry is marginally tasty, but why? The underlying beer seems like its been neglected (light and fizzy) and the blueberry doesn't work to make things better.

In terms of buzzwords, there's no synergy here. The complete beer should be greater than the sum of its parts. That's not the case. Each part is separate and middling. Together they're disjointed and the marriage borders on detrimental. They say that to truly love another, you must first love yourself. I guess the same applies for fruit beer.

The fruit should be enjoyable and distinct, and so should the beer. I'm not getting that from either. This of course, is not a problem unique to Blue Point's Blueberry Ale. This just happens to be the first time I'm really putting it all together. I heard a rule a week or two ago: Rule 1 - Don't fruit the beer. Rule 2 - Don't fruit the beer unless you know what you're doing.

My new rule? Stay away from fruit beers unless I've got a suspicion that the brewery might actually get it right.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Asahi - Super Dry

Purchased From: Harvest Fine Wines & Spirits
Serving Type: 12 oz. bottle, poured into a Pilsner glass

Like Kingfisher, the Indian beer brewed in upstate New York, Asahi is a Japanese rice lager brewed in Canada. The body pours a medium straw with calm carbonation and a large foamy head. The texture is slightly soapy. Although the retention isn't outstanding, there is some light airy lacing to start off the beer. The nose is musty and lagery with a slight hint of what seems to be Noble hops. The rice grain sweetness comes through a bit on the nose as well.

The mouthfeel is medium in body with a very slight tinge of carbonation on the tongue. The actual malts are clearly present although thin overall. The adjunct rice cuts through a bit of the depth of the malt character and adds a bit of astringent sweetness. There are minimal hints of fruit like apples and grapes, but they're not standout. The finish is dry with a mild aftertaste that seems like a dash of honey.

Final Verdict: C-

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Yuengling - Premium Beer

Yuengling - Premium Beer
Purchased From: Cream Ridge Buy-Rite Liquors
Serving Type: 12 oz. twist-off bottle, poured into a Pokal pilsner glass

Yuengling's 'Premium Beer' is an American pale lager cousin of the more popular Yuengling Traditional, which is one of my favorite Amber lagers around. Premium pours a clear golden straw with tons of visible, active carbonation. The beer has a small soapy white foam head that's light on retention, but creates moderate amounts of (somewhat thin) lacing.

The nose is sweet malts with a bit of grassy character and hints of sparkling apple juice. The mouthfeel is initially velvety and very smooth. It finishes up very crisp. The body is made of fairly thin, but sweet, malts with a crisp graininess. There's a light, but fairly inconsquential hoping and a mildly sour finish.

Final Verdict: C-
