[Hike #20 was a beautifully sunny afternoon with my four kids at Talking Waters on April 19th. This was our second “hike” of the year there. Next time I’ll have to snap a few pictures. I always post at least one picture of every hike on Instagram in “real time” if you want to follow along there.]
On April 20th I returned to Silver Creek Falls. This time I brought family and friends and we had no snow. [grin] Holly and I added Char, Monet, and Jake to our crew. Plus Ivy, Levi, Leif, and Lola.
Luke, Monet, and Jake had mock trial that morning (Char, Holly, Ivy, and I were there all morning observing), so it was a long day! We hiked the same 4+ mile loop with 7 waterfalls that I hiked back in February.
On our hikes lately, we’ve noticed so many new blooms. It’s fun to see the new life sprouting as the season changes.
The kid crew: