Showing posts with label beauty maker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beauty maker. Show all posts

Monday, May 03, 2021

Art for Dinner

We host community group at our house every Thursday evening and several of us ladies take turns making the entree and then everyone contributes sides, drinks and dessert. A couple of weeks ago, a friend brought quail for dinner that had been given to them and they had tons of it. When there was a lot left, we pulled it all off the bones and I made two large pot pies from the meat and broth I got from cooking the bones. 

It just felt like such a community and group effort and generous provision for the quail to stretch so far! The morning of, I was in an artsy mood and decided to decorate the tops with pie crust scraps I had collected in the freezer - I was super pleased with how they turned out and it was really fun.

I wanted the Be Still one to look like a tree but it reminds me more of a bundle of balloons! Either way, it is cheerful and it was a joy to put my beauty-maker on and get creative.

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Simple Pleasures: Beeswax Ornaments


My friend Becca posted this idea last Christmas and I've had the supplies for a year. But it just didn't happen last year and I recently remembered and decided to pull everything out on a Sunday afternoon. The girls and I put on a Christmas movie and it was so fun to craft these little beauties!

The silicone mold is from Michael's - we've made ice cubes with it, frozen pesto in it and more. It is so cute and makes such a sweet little design. 

I used this beeswax {this is an affiliate link} and added a couple of drops of Young Living Christmas Spirit to each ornament.

I think these will be so fun to clip onto garlands and tie onto gifts! But at this point, I'm having the most fun just making them and seeing a stack of them complete and ready to gift and enjoy.

There aren't really instructions - but I just melted the beeswax, poured into the mold, added a couple drops of essential oil and laid the twine hangers in the back. It worked best when I popped the whole mold into the freezer to fully cool. 

Working with my hands and creating beauty are things I am thankful for today! What are you thankful for today?

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Be Still

Psalm 30 - selected verses

Verses 4-7:

"Sing praises to the Lord, O you his saints, and give thanks to his holy name. For his anger is but for a moment, and his favor is for a lifetime. Weeping may tarry for the night but joy comes with the morning. 

As for me, I said in my prosperity, 'I shall never be moved.' By your favor, O Lord, you made my mountain stand strong; you hid your face; I was dismayed."

Verses 11-12:

"You have turned my mourning into dancing: you have loosed my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness, that my glory may sing your praise and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give thanks to you forever!"

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Low-Key Book Launch Celebration

A small, intimate gathering of several friends came together to celebrate with me this good work that God allowed to be accomplished and completed! We had a potluck meal, did a craft together {from the Beauty Notebook!}, I read a portion of the book aloud and we ate some yummy dessert!

This hoop art is one of the projects found both in the book and notebook! This evening proved to me that simple and non-stressful can still be beautiful and meaningful! I'd hoped to all go to the dock to see a beautiful sunset and sing the Doxology but it was so cloudy there wasn't much sunset to see!

Thank you for praying for Beauty Maker and whatever ministry God has in mind for her!

You can read about my Slow Lane book launch party inside my new book and/or see photos here.

This post contains Amazon Affiliate links.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Beauty Maker Notebook

Today, I have another fun thing to tell you about! As part of Beauty Maker, I wanted to put together a free notebook that included all of the hand-drawn journal pages from the book, all of the projects {plus one bonus project!}, seasonal Bible studies to encourage beauty in your home and more!

This is a 78 page notebook and it is in full-color so I'd suggest getting a quote on printing it before you send it in as it might be pricey to have it printed and bound as mine is shown. You could also just open it on your device and enjoy doing it that way! Or maybe you will choose certain pages to print instead.

The notebook is a great option for those who don't like to write in their books - not all the written portions are included but some of them are! It also includes bonus material that is not in the printed book.

However you choose to use it, I hope it is a source of inspiration and beauty to be used in your life!

To get your free notebook - go here!

This post contains an Amazon Affiliate link!

Monday, August 19, 2019

Beauty Maker is Born!

Cue the confetti! Break out the balloons! I'm excited to share all about my new book Beauty Maker: The Ministry of God-Given Beauty today!

The idea for this book started well before Slow Lane was published and I started writing it three summers ago. It is finally finished and ready to share with all of you and I couldn't be more thankful.

This book is very similar in layout/format to my first book. A handbook of sorts with Bible study charts, reflection questions and full color photos. This book has a couple of extra things including some hand-drawn journaling pages that go with specific chapters and a set of ten hands-on projects in the back for your own beauty making fun!

Several dear ladies have written endorsements for this book - you can read them here!

Thirteen chapters will walk readers through seeing God as the first beauty maker and then our response to the beauty He has created in following chapters. I think when we enjoy beauty that God has made and wired us to enjoy, it is a form of worshiping Him and responding to what He has gifted to us.

During each chapter, we'll stop and look at Scripture that brings truths from God's Word to apply to beauty making in our own lives today. From beauty making in the home, at our tables, in taking adventures and more - readers will walk through prompts and study to reinforce the ideas introduced.

From the back of the book:

Step into this interactive handbook that combines journal prompts, projects and Bible Study as you pursue the one true Beauty Maker and learn how He has equipped you to create and enjoy beauty as well.

Who is a beauty maker? Aside from learning about God and beauty in the Bible, consider how you bring beauty to both your own life and the lives of those around you. Every time you give a hug, snip a flower, enjoy a sunset or listen to music you are a beauty maker. When you lighten a load, serve a meal, care for your home and more - you are cultivating beauty. 

If you have an appreciation of beauty - this book is for you! If you desire to have an appreciation for beauty - this book is for you! Either way, these pages will guide you through thinking about God, who created beauty, and how we use the gifts He has invested in our own lives.

Each chapter includes journal prompts for you to process what you've learned and ideas for both cultivating and enjoying beauty. Hands-on projects are included which will allow you to create beauty for yourself or to share with someone else. Consider how beauty can be a blessing and how we can honor God by enjoying His beauty!

What questions do you have about Beauty Maker? Thank you for your support of this project and friendship to me! I would love to have you share this book!

This post contains Amazon Affiliate links.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Book Birthdays!

Today is an exciting day! Slow Lane turns three today and now she has a sister! I'll be telling you more next week and showing you inside - but for now, I just wanted to celebrate the goodness of God in allowing both of these good things to be accomplished.

1 Chronicles 29:13, "And now our God we give You thanks and praise Your glorious name!"

I would be so grateful if you would be willing to help spread the word - it is all in God's hands, but you can have a part in this ministry by sharing! Feel free to grab the image above and share or choose from one below!

Order a copy of either book: Slow Lane here and Beauty Maker here!

Shareable images for Instagram:

Shareable images for Facebook:

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Beauty Maker Book Launch Prayer Team

It's almost time to launch my new book into the world and I would love to have your help! Beauty Maker will {Lord willing} be available for order this coming Friday! I'd love to ask you to consider praying during one prayer slot this coming Monday-Friday.

You can sign up for a prayer time here. And, you can find a guide with ideas of things to pray over here.

More details on my book coming - I'll have a free download for you, some shareable images, interior photos, etc. So excited to share it all with you!