If you cannot see the slideshow, all images can be found in the online album at https://picasaweb.google.com/107595387761034666575/PhotographyWorkshopWithEasternRegionTextileForum
I chatted with several attendees in the coffee break before giving the talk and was amazed at the wide variety of skills and techniques that the 17 participants represented. I had naïvely come with the perception of simply patchwork. I met felters, embroiderers, modern knitters and experiment lace workers. Their materials ranged from smooth silks and metallic fibres to textured fabrics and 3-D artwork.
They brought with them a range of photographic equipment, from smart phones, via compact cameras to SLRs. The audience also had a range of photographic experience and knowledge of photo editing. What they were looking for was some very practical advice on getting the basics right for taking a photograph and editing it.
I hope that I fulfilled this objective (and thank you for the favourable comments, dear audience). The next step, after a good buffet lunch, was to put the new-found knowledge into practice in a workshop.
The noise level rose perceptibly within the meeting room as they scattered in groups of threes and fours. They first ensured that each camera had been adjusted to the optimum settings and that the lighting was right. The groups then chose which of the many works of textile art to photograph first.
After 75 minutes, I collected the images from a miscellany of memory cards and loaded them up onto the laptop to show on the projection screen. Each of the participants then shared what they had learned from the practical and resultant photographs.
We looked at the successes and the not so successful; everyone contributed to the learning curve!
However, as you can see from the slideshow above, they achieved some beautiful pictures of their brilliant textile artwork.
Thanks too to the Cambridge Golf and Conference centre near Hemmingford Abbots (
http://www.cgcc.co.uk/) for the great venue and looking after us for the day’s event.
If you are an artist who works in 2-D, 3-D or with reflective materials, would like some straightforward guidance on photography and photo editing, whatever your camera, you can always get my:
Quick Reference Guide on Photographing Your Own Artwork here from Selz.com for only £3.33
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